Page 84 of Nerd Girl

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I had fun watching Evie and her friends do their livestream. The energy in the room was tangible.

I didn’t think for a moment that I was part of it.

As I stood in front of Evie’s Monday morning, my mind kept going back to the same thing it had since I left here yesterday.

Of course I wasn’t a part of what Evie and Gage and everyone here seemed to share. But I wanted to be. What would it feel like to be one of the living again? After the conversation with Elaina, after watching everyone here… I wanted to find out.

I didn’t hate this stupid town. It was growing on me.

God damn it. This felt like the point where I should be upset or annoyed or plotting something stupid. Though, considering I was waiting for Evie so early, I may still be about to do something stupid.

There was no way I didn’t look suspicious, waiting outside her store for half an hour. Gage’s SUV pulled up, and he parked as close to me as the curb would allow.

Of course he was dropping her off. And giving her the longest, sweetest-and-simultaneously hottest kiss…

The jealousy. It burned.

Evie hopped out, and Gage shouted, “Catch you later, Richie Rich. Work calls.”

That was the first time I’d heard him call me that without animosity.

Gage drove away, and Evie strolled toward me wearing a broad grin.

I didn’t stick around yesterday, but I did watch the rest of the livestream in my motel room. I knew she met her fundraising goal, and I had no doubt that was followed by a night of incredible sex.

Why wouldn’t she look like she was on top of the world?

“Eager to get to work?” Evie asked as she unlocked the front door.

“Something like that.”

She locked the door behind us when we were inside. “You could’ve stuck around yesterday.”

I followed her through the store. Had it really only been a few weeks since we were arguing in the same aisles? Since she held me at bay with a post hole digger? “I really couldn’t have.”

“Okay, Mister Tall-Dark-and-Stoic.” Evie sounded amused.

I stepped into her path, and she stopped abruptly, her eyes wide.

“Just listen to me for a minute.” Story of my life these days—trying to get Evie to talk to me. It was almost amusing that the reasons for it were becoming varied.

She licked her lips, gaze locked on me. “I’m listening.”

But what was I saying? My brain had been telling me talk to her since yesterday, but had yet to provide a script.

“I’m done trying to buy your store.” That was a relief to say. Who knew? Like that, it wasn’t only the tension that faded, but the expectation, the pressure…

Evie cocked her head to the side and studied me. “Why? Not that the stopping matters now that I have a solution, but… why?”

“It’s yours. It’s part of the soul of this town, and so are you.” Where did that come from?

The puzzled look on Evie’s face said she was wondering the same thing. “Thank you.” Her voice was soft.

A noise rattled in the background. Keys. A lock. One of her employees must be here, and I should wrap this up. Instead, I searched Evie’s face. I so desperately wanted to reach out and touch her. Kiss her. More.

She leaned closer, never taking her eyes off me.
