Page 13 of Unbreakable Bonds

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Bastien's smirk widens, a glimmer of playful confidence in his eyes. "Besides," he adds, his voice brimming with assurance, "no one would dare touch you now. Not with us watching your back."

A mischievous twinkle dances in my eyes, and a surge of boldness propels me forward. I close the distance between Bastien and me, my heart pounding in my chest as I take a risk I had only dreamt of. His breath catches as I press my lips to his, a kiss that speaks volumes of the unspoken desires and longings that have simmered beneath the surface.

"Ahem," Etienne clears his throat, breaking the spell, and I turn to face him, a mix of guilt and regret washing over me. The pain etched in his features is impossible to ignore as he averts his gaze, his eyes clouded by a veil of jealousy.

"Etienne..." I reach out, my touch gentle as my fingers graze his cheek, feeling the rough stubble beneath my fingertips. "Thank you," I whisper, my voice a tender rasp, heavy with gratitude and sincerity. "Thank you for always being there, for your unwavering loyalty and support."

He meets my gaze, his eyes filled with a swirl of emotions. A silent understanding passes between us, a recognition of the complexities that lie at the intersection of our relationships. The bond we share is not without its challenges.

"I am grateful to both of you," I continue, my voice filled with sincerity. "For everything you've done and continue to do. You've shown me a depth of love and protection that I never thought possible."

Etienne's gaze softens, and a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips. His hand covers mine, a silent reassurance that he understands. "Thank you, Lisette," he says, his voice laced with a mixture of tenderness and acceptance.

His eyes flicker to mine, uncertainty swirling within their stormy depths. But before he can say anything, I pull him into an embrace, letting the warmth of his body chase away the lingering chill that clings to my bones.

A sudden gust of wind howls outside, rattling the windows and sending a shiver down my spine. The room is enveloped in an eerie stillness, broken only by the sound of our collective breaths and the faint rustling of fabric.

We remain frozen, caught in the suspended moment of tension, until the door bursts open with a force that only Claude could muster. His tall frame looms in the doorway, casting a shadow that seems to darken the very air around us. His eyes blaze with a mixture of anger and concern as he takes in the scene before him.

"Enough!" his voice booms, reverberating off the walls and filling the room with an undeniable authority. Every word he utters carries the weight of his position as our leader, demanding our attention and respect. "Lisette, you need rest. This is no time for... whatever this is."

His gaze flickers between Bastien, Etienne, and me, the disapproval clouding on his face like a storm. I open my mouth to speak, to explain, to defend our shared connection, but he raises a hand, silencing me.

"Rest," he repeats, his tone softer yet still commanding. There is a weariness in his voice, a hint of concern beneath the sternness. Turning on his heel, he exits the room, leaving us in a palpable silence punctuated by the echoes of his departure.

As his footsteps fade into the distance, a heavy silence settles over us, lingering like an unspoken question. The room feels charged with a tension that hangs in the air, stifling any words that threaten to escape our lips. We stand there, caught between the impulse to follow Claude's orders and the desire to explore the depths of our connection.

The weight of his disapproval lingers, casting a shadow over our shared moment, reminding us of the complexities and challenges that lie ahead. The silence stretches on, heavy with unspoken thoughts and unfulfilled desires, until we are left alone, each lost in our own thoughts, trying to make sense of the tangled web we find ourselves in.

"Will you come back tomorrow?" My voice trembles with vulnerability as I look at them both, my heart aching with longing.

Bastien and Etienne share a stunned glance before nodding, their expressions unreadable. As they leave, the door closes with an eerie finality, plunging me into darkness.

The night settles heavily around me, oppressive and suffocating. I toss and turn, unable to find the comfort that eludes me. Thoughts of Bastien and Etienne consume my mind, their presence lingering like a phantom touch on my skin. Why do I want them both? Is it the trauma of the kidnapping, the desperate need to feel safe?

My body aches with desire, and I can't help but give in to the temptation. My fingers trail down my stomach, finding the sensitive spot between my legs. The crude thoughts of what I want them to do to me flood my mind as I tease myself, imagining their strong hands exploring every inch of my body, fulfilling my darkest fantasies.

"Damn it," I curse under my breath, my fingers working faster, more desperately. The thought of Bastien's lips on mine, the way Etienne looked at me with that hunger in his eyes – it's all too much. I can't help but succumb to the pleasure, drowning in the sensations that threaten to consume me, as the night swallows my moans and gasps.

This dangerous dance we've been playing has taken its toll, blurring the lines between love and lust, loyalty and betrayal. And as I lay there, spent and breathless, I know that in this treacherous world of mafia ties and twisted loyalties, nothing will ever be the same again.
