Page 44 of Last Breath

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“Yes. Take him there and we’ll meet you there.” His eyes stay on mine as he says the words. A smile spreads across my face as I look up at him.

“You’re not closing me out?”

“No. You wanted this as much as I did. We’re one, Eva.” I nod my head as I watch him button up his shirt. He turns and heads for his desk, grabbing his gun and shoving it into the back of his slacks. We walk out of the office together and down the stairs where we meet Roni and Vin. Vin hands me a gun which I gladly take and shove into the back of my jeans. I glance over at Dom as he smiles devilishly back at me.

“You sure about this?”

“He tried to take you away from me,” I remind him. He nods his head once as he places his hand on my back, ushering me out the door. We walk out and climb in the car knowing everything is about to change.


We got to the warehouse in record time. My heart nearly beats out of my chest as we walk inside. There he is. Sitting in the chair in the middle of the room blood already dripping down his face.

“It would be so easy to just shoot him,” I mumble.

“Eager little thing aren’t you?” Dom says glancing over at me.

“I hate him with a new passion,” I admit. He nods his head clearly feeling the same way as I do.

“Then let’s make him suffer.” I follow behind Dom as he walks up to his father. The man lifts his head, his eyes locking with Dom’s.

“So this is it?” he asks.

“This is it. I only have one question that never fully got answered. Why?”

“It was personal, Dominic. You were too strong for your own good. You wanted more than your fair share of our world.”

“I did everything for you. I killed for you,” he reminds him.

“You did and you did it well, but you always wanted more didn’t you?”

“And why not? You’ve drug the Dameco name through the mud. You’ve ruined our reputation and our allies. I wanted it all. I wanted to make it better,” Dom tells him.

“And now is your chance, right?” Dom nods his head before pulling his gun and aiming it at his father’s leg. He pulls the trigger as Marco squeals in pain.

“I should have let her end you,” Dom says nodding toward me.

“She doesn’t have the balls! It takes real skill, skill that I instilled in you, Dominic! I made you who you are!”

“You made him someone he never wanted to be,” I hiss in his direction. Dom holds his hand out, passing me his gun. I take it in my hand, running my fingers over the cool metal as I watch Marco.

“You are nothing! A filthy Bosco that never deserved to breathe!” Marco snaps at me.

“She’s a Dameco. She’s mine. Always has been,” Dom tells him with a dark smirk on his face. I raise the gun and fire a shot into his other leg. Marco screams in pain once more when Dom steps up and leans down. He presses his fingers into the wounds causing Marco to scream louder.

“You thought you could kill me? You thought you could have your men take my life? You made a big mistake thinking you could end me,” he growls as Marco screams.

“You’re a bastard! I only kept you around because you were useful. Your mother should have never had you!”

“No, your mother should have never had you,” I say as I press the gun to his head and pull the trigger. Dom jerks back, looking over at me.

“Did my head need to be so close to that?”

“The silencer is on,” I remind him.

“Doesn’t change the fact that I was inches away,” he says wiping the blood from his face.

“I didn’t hit you,” I remind him. Dom chuckles and it’s the best sound in the world. He takes his gun back and passes it off to Roni before grabbing my hand in his and leading me to the exit.

“What do you want to do now, Mrs. Dameco?”

“I don’t know.”

“Will you still give me six months?” He asks and I laugh.

“Dom, I don’t need six months. I already love you for the rest of my life.”

“Then let’s go live it.”
