Page 9 of Last Breath

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Iwasn’t sure I wanted to dance with this man, but he does have an alluring presence. His hand is wrapped tightly around mine, the other on my hip leading me.

“You sure are a beauty in all this mass of people,” he says with a smile. Behind his mask dark eyes seem black and his smile perfectly white. A chill runs down my spine knowing that this man has to be dangerous to some degree if he’s in attendance.

“Thank you. There seems to be a tension in the air tonight. Anything a girl like me should know about?” I ask with a smile. I know these kinds of gatherings and I also know that someone usually dies. I’ve been to my fair share of gala’s in my life with my father and I always hated the feeling I got when I was there. These men are hostile, violent and don’t bat an eye at doing it in the wide open.

“Not that I’m aware of. This seems to be the Governor’s night,” he adds with a smile that makes my stomach roll. It doesn’t take long for me to figure out he isn’t one of the good guys here. We dance a little longer when his gaze moves past me. I can feel the tension in his shoulders as they bunch under my hand.

“Dameco,” he says catching my attention. I move to turn around, his hand still on my hip as I do to see Dominic looking like a fucking God in front of me. He’s gorgeous without being all dressed up, but this? This is something else. My eyes move over him from head to toe and back, a dark sinister smile tugging at his lips.

“I would say it’s a pleasure, Mosco, but it truly isn’t. What are you doing with her?” He asks nodding toward me. My insides flip as he takes me in, stealing the breath from my lungs. I shift from foot to foot unsure of what’s happening between the two of them.

“I found this lovely woman and asked her to dance. Is she off limits, Dameco?” Mr. Mosco’s hand tightens around my hip almost painfully and I wince. Dom notices it too. He swallows hard and takes my hand jerking me from Mosco’s grasp. My body slams into Dom’s hard one, a gasp escaping me.

“She is now.” With that, Dom wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into his side as the man walks away with a pissed off glint in his eye.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I snap when the man is far enough away.

“Walter Mosco. He’s very much into the trafficking of young girls that catch his eye,” Dom says as he brings my body flush with his. His body is solid and slowly he begins to move us to the music. His large hands wrap around my waist resting on my back as we dance. My insides quiver and my stomach does somersaults. I don’t know how I feel about him being this close to me. It’s unnerving.

“Why are you dancing with me?” I ask not understanding why anyone like him would be near me. First he told me not to cross him and now he’s here dancing with me.

“I learn new things every day, Eva. Some things I don’t like, other’s, well they make my cock hard.” I gasp at his choice of words and try to pull away but he doesn’t let me.

“Let me go,” I say softly.

“I’m not ready to do that just yet. I have questions and I want answers.”

“What questions,” I hiss in his direction. Dom chuckles, but doesn’t release his hold on me. If anything, he pulls me in tighter.

“For one, I’d like to know why you don’t live with your parents,” he says casually as if it’s any of his concern.

“Maybe I don’t have any. Did you ever stop to think about that?”

“I did think about that, but your records are spotless. Not a single detail about you.” My body tenses. I know my dad put up a front for me, but what if Dom can see through it. It’s mafia against mafia. Surely one has better technical support than the other. I don’t open my mouth to answer him afraid of what might come out if I do.

“No answers to that?”

“I wouldn’t know what you’re talking about. My parents died and my uncle let me stay in one of his houses for school,” I tell him keeping to the story that my father repeated a million times over.

“Is that right? And how do you explain the friend, Abby was it?”

“There’s nothing to explain. We’re going to school, Dominic.”

“Dom. Call me Dom.”

“I’d rather not call you anything if it’s all the same to you. I don’t want to be in with the likes of you people. You’re dangerous,” I remind him as if he doesn’t already know that.

“I am, but I think you like the danger.” The rough sound of his voice causes a chill to run down my spine. Dom doesn’t say anything further as he grabs my hand and pulls me from the dance floor. We’re out of the main room and down a hallway before I have a chance to react or say no.

Dom shoves me roughly against the wall and presses his large frame against mine, pinning me in place. My heart beats erratically in my chest when his lips descend closer to mine. Just a breath away.

“I don’t like lies, Eva. That’s kind of a pet peeve of mine. There are so many liars in this world already and I would hope you aren’t one of them.” His eyes burn into mine as heat curls in my stomach. His lips barely brush against mine before he pulls away and walks off. Before he gets too far gone, he looks over his shoulder and says, “I know who she is. Now I’ll find out who you are and why you’re together.” My heart thumps in my chest when Abby comes around the corner. The two of them share a look before she rushes toward me.

“Are you okay? What was that about?”

“I don’t know,” I say shaking my head. That was the weirdest conversation I think I’ve ever had.

