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"Come in, Logan." She steps aside for me to enter. We sit on her couch, an awkward silence hanging between us. But the air feels different, it's a little more open.

I stare at the floor, taking in a deep breath. Opening up isn't my thing, but Bailey needs to know what's really going on.

"Bailey, there's something you need to know about my past." Her curiosity is piqued. "It's about Gina." The name tastes foreign on my tongue. I'd rather not have to speak her name ever again, but here we are.

"Gina and I, we were... involved, years ago. But it wasn't healthy, it wasn't... good." I take another breath, trying to find the right words. "She manipulated and lied to me, and when I finally figured out what was going on, I ended things with her and it got a little ugly."

Bailey's eyes meet mine, filled with a mix of concern and curiosity.

"There's more to the story," I continue. "Ethan... my brother, he was involved too... we have quite a history," I let out a bitter laugh. "Turns out, Ethan hired Gina to seduce me. All for bad publicity. He wanted to ruin my reputation. He was always jealous of me that way. I don't know why... Ethan... he got bitter somewhere down the line and started down a dark path."

My fists tighten at the memories of Ethan, the betrayal raw even after all these years.

"Gina and Ethan were... seeing each other behind my back. They had been for quite some time before I found out. They set me up to make me look like I was the one being shady. He used Gina to start rumors that I was chasing after my brother’s girlfriend and the city went nuts." The confession feels heavy.

Bailey doesn't break eye contact. "I remember hearing about those rumors. It sounded very 'Chicago playboy' of you."

"That's what everyone thought."

"But why now though? Why is she claiming she's pregnant with your baby?" Bailey's voice is tense.

"It's another ploy, Bailey. Another scheme to squeeze money out of me, stir up rumors, and cause a scandal. She knows it will shatter my reputation, create a buzz. She thrives on it... so does he."

My voice is rough with the weight of the deceit and lies that have become a part of my life. "It's all a game to them. They don't care about who else gets hurt in the process."

I finish my story, feeling an odd sense of relief having shared some of my darkest secrets with Bailey. Now, it's all out in the open.

"I don't want you to get wrapped up in all this mess, Bailey. But I can't deny what I'm feeling for you. I've... I've never felt this strongly about what I want. And I want you." I watch her, gauging her reaction. "I want to be with you, Bailey. I want to make it work. I wantusto be together."

She doesn't pull away, doesn't retreat from my confession. "Logan, this... It's all so... I'm scared," she admits. Her gaze drops to her hands in her lap, but she lifts her head to look me in the eye once more. "But I miss you too. So much."

Before I can respond, she moves her body closer to me. Her hands come up to cradle my face as she leans in, pressing her lips against mine in a soft kiss.

She pulls away from our intimate moment, getting serious again. "Logan... I have something to tell you too."

What now? There can't possibly be any more chaos to our story.

"I'm... I'm pregnant, Logan."

Guess I was wrong.

"You're what?" I can't believe what she just said. "How... When?"

The room turns hazy, as if I've been submerged under water.


The word rings in my ears, over and over again like a broken record.

I wasn't expecting that.

I sit there, motionless, unable to find the words to respond.

My mind races, spinning out of control. "I... Wow... That's... I mean, congratulations? Are you sure? Is it...?" I fumble through my words. "I mean, is it mine?" I blurt out awkwardly.

I can see the shock in her eyes, the hurt.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Bailey. I didn't mean... I should go." I stand up. "Yeah, I should... I'll... We can talk later. When things... When we've both had some time to... you know..."
