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"Eric - I am warning you - she needs to be removed from my team. I am not interested in working with someone like her. Find someone else. I do not even want her to work here in this hospital."

He leans forward in his chair, his elbows on his desk. "Unless you can tell me what she did, how she endangered a patient, or whatever it is that has happened - I cannot help you. She stays. Our hospital needs nurses like her. She graduated top of her class, and we are actually lucky to have her here."

"Eric - "I fume.

"Lennox - "He stares back at me calmly. My insides rage.

I slam my fist onto his desk then turn and walk out. Fine, if he will not get rid of her I will take it further. There is no way that this little smart-mouthed girl is going to belittle me in front of everyone and get away with it.

Back in my own office, Carla jumps out of her desk as I slam the door open and march up to her desk.

"Adjust my roster. I want the new nurse off everything."

"Sir, we need the CEO to sign off on - "

"Carla," I warn her with the tone in my voice. "Do it."

"Yes, Sir." She says skeptically opening the program on her computer.

I sit in my office fuming. After some time, Carla comes in with a new schedule printed. "Sir, I could not take her off everything, but she is not in the operating room with you again today. She is still tending to your patients though."

"Fuck sakes, Carla. Can't you ever just do as you are told." I snap at her, knowing she does not deserve it.

"Lennox - "She raises her brow at me, warning me. I shake my head. She places the sheet of paper on my desk and walks out of my office closing the door behind her.



Ican hardly believe it when Lennox hits on me again right in the operating room. He still has no idea who I am, clearly. And now he wants to start hitting on me when my entire focus is my very first day on the job - during surgery.

I shut him down immediately with a harmless comment of my own, but then his reaction was so extreme. He looked like he was actually angry with me which is not fair at all.

Ultimately though I shrug it off and I think the surgery went really well. I am so excited about everything. There were no complications; I was a little nervous of course, but I did everything in a way that I am proud of. My very first official surgery and it was brilliant, apart from that stupid comment and Lennox's bad attitude. Oh well. I will focus on the wins.

"Emma?" Haley calls from the nurses' station. "We just got notified that your schedule has changed." She looks confused as she hands me a piece of paper. I was originally scheduled to be in surgery twice today, but now my second surgery has been removed and I am on patient aftercare. "Do schedules change often?" I ask her, not sure what the norm is. "Practically never, once someone has been allocated their morning roster it only changes if there is some kind of emergency or something happens?" I have no problem with patient aftercare, making sure their recovery is going well, removing stitches, and all of those things - but I did not sign up for this. Yes, I am required to do a certain number of hours on it, but my primary job description is that of a surgical nurse. I was really looking forward to the second surgery this afternoon.

"Thanks for letting me know," I say to Haley and wonder if I should take this up with Lennox. Perhaps he will know why it has changed. Then glancing down to the bottom of the page I see that Lennox is the one who implemented the change. Is he not happy with my performance in surgery today? Surely that is not the case - could it - no I doubt it. Could it have something to do with me shooting down his flirty comment? He is angry about that; it was plain for everyone to see, but surely, he would not let that interfere with my career as a nurse?

I head over to his office, best to sort this out right now before it gets worse.

His receptionist smiles sweetly when I walk in. "Hi, you must be Emma, welcome to the team."

"Thank you so much," I say smiling back at her. "I was hoping to chat to Dr. Blake if he is available."

She glances towards his door and crinkles her nose. Then she nods and says, "Yes, he is." She stands up, knocking on his office door then opening it before he replies and says, "Dr. Blake, Emma is here to see you." She guides me in quickly and closes the door.

He stands up behind his desk, his brows knotted together in annoyance.

"What are you doing in here? Don't you have patients to attend to? I don't have time for - "

"Dr. Blake. Why have I been removed from the team for the second surgery?" I interrupt him, just wanting to get straight to the point.

He waves his hand in the air dismissing me. "You are new here. You must earn your right to be on my surgeries. I don't know why the hospital changes schedules."

I shoot him a glare. "Actually, I am one hundred percent sure that you do know why this change was made as you are the one who requested it."

I point to his name signed at the bottom of the page.
