Page 66 of The Tomboy

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A chill rang through me, a shiver of goosebumps, because it was everything I wanted—but it couldn’t happen. Phoenix might think he wanted it for me, but in reality it would kill him to watch me, to sit on the sidelines, wishing it was him.

“Tay,” I huffed out her name, reaching for her hands. “I’d love to play with you.” Oh man, skin on skin again, an innocent touch, yet each and every cell in my body danced. “And I’d love the chance to hit with you, to return your serve, but...You see, Phoenix thinks he can handle it, but I think it’ll break him. Tennis is everything to Phoenix. It’s his life.”

“Can I tell you something?” Taylor said, and she hadn’t tried to pull away from me. In fact, she leaned in closer, drawing in a lungful of air. “My Mom died earlier this year. I was so angry with her. She wasn’t supposed to die and leave us. She was supposed to fight and beat the cancer. I thought about giving up tennis, because what was the point without her?” Her eyes were welling, but her voice didn’t falter. “But Mom wanted me to keep going, she made a plan for me. Coming to Covington Prep was part of her plan. Tennis is in my blood. It’s what I love, and I do it for her and I do it for me.” Her blue eyes glistened with tears, eyes I was falling in love with.

My heart pounded relentlessly, devastated to hear Taylor’s words. I didn’t underestimate the courage it took to reveal that. “I’m so sorry about your Mom,” I said hoarsely, “We saw a photo of her at your house.”

Taylor nodded. “Thank you”, she whispered, her lips pressing together. Luscious lips, pink and soft and alluring. “Max, Phoenix doesn’t want you to give up tennis. Phoenix wants to cheer you on. Because, like you said, tennis is his life.”

I looked at her, clearing my throat, “Phoe told you that?”

“Yes.” She pulled her hands away to swipe at the tears on her cheeks, and a smile appeared. “In fact, you really should play with me this year, because Phoenix has already asked me to partner him for next year’s tournament.”

“What! He has?” I was shocked. Phoenix was planning his comeback?

“Uh huh,” she said, resting her chin in her hands. Her beauty was stunning, her skin clear and natural, sun kissed freckles dotted across her nose, sparkling eyes a mirror to her heart. Taylor’s life hadn’t been a bed of roses, she’d suffered tragedy in the most heart-breaking of ways, but she was moving forward, living life, and chasing her dreams. So, too, was Phoenix. He wasn’t going to be defined or limited by his accident. He was embracing life and making plans.

And I clearly needed to do the same. I needed to support Phoenix in a positive way, help him achieve his goals, whatever they might now be.

And I had to set my own pathway, reach my own ambitions. And the Fall Tournament was as good a place as any to start. But that was a whole week away. And I had a more pressing, urgent ambition, one that couldn’t wait.

Pushing back my chair, I stood and walked around to Taylor’s side. Taking her by the hand, I said, “Let’s go.”

She scrambled to grab her bag of bulbs and shuffled along with me. My bad, I hadn’t stopped to ask if she’d finished eating or drinking. I certainly no longer had an appetite. As I guided her out of the food court, I was figuring out the logistics of everything—we had our own cars, but I didn’t want us to drive separately.

“What are we doing?”she asked.

“Okay, you are going to drive home, and I’ll follow you,” I directed, “and we’ll go together in my truck.” She led me to her car which was in the underground parking lot. Mine was parked outside.

“So where are we going?” She unlocked the door and tossed the bulbs across to the passenger seat.

“I’ll meet you at your house,” I said, resting my hand on top of the open door. “So let your Dad know you’ll be coming with me. And...bring your tennis bag.”

“Are we playing tennis? Now?” Her eyes flashed with excitement, her smile lighting up her whole face, her obvious joy made me wish I hadn’t waited so long to do this. “But, we’re in our school uniforms? Should I change first? Are we going to the—”

“Tay,” I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her down. “You have to be patient,” I said, trying to sound mysterious, but I’d done it again—you know, touched her, and touching Taylor Frank made me all sorts of crazy. And happy.

And apparently impulsive.

I was close, standing ever so close to her, and my mind was in hyperdrive, thinking about how close we were, how close my face was to hers, my lips, her lips—

And the thinking stopped.

And my lips acted independently. (Give my lips some applause, please!)

Yeah, they introduced themselves to Taylor’s lips, up close and personal, soft and sweet as I imagined them to be. But a panic came over me and I pulled back, not wanting to overstay my welcome. I mean, I didn’t know if Taylor was into me other than for my tennis skills! I’d made the assumption that my feelings for her were reciprocated.

“Oo!” The little sound popped from Taylor’s mouth, her blue eyes wide with bewilderment.

I clamped down on my lower lip, the thundering in my chest equal to an earthquake of 6.5 on the Richter scale. I was ready to apologize, to bat my puppy dog eyes at her and beg forgiveness.

“I...I...” It’s all I could stutter, my mind suddenly vacant and unable to utter coherent words. “Uh...”

But Taylor’s eyes had narrowed, and her lips were curling upward, and she at least could speak like a normal human being. Drawing in a deep breath, she said, “I wasn’t expecting that.”

I was still tongue-tied, flappable, flinching in embarrassment.

“But I’m not sure youacedit,” she said with a smirk.

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