Page 67 of The Tomboy

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“Ha!” I finally found my voice. “You’re doing tennis puns?” She giggled, and that was a moment of pure beauty. “Well, to be honest, I wasn’t sure if you’dreturnit. Get it?Return it?”In fact, my confidence was at an all time high. “You think I was atfault?Do I get a second try?”

After shaking with laughter for a few seconds, she pursed her lips and stilled, looking at me with an intensity that made my heart shudder. We leaned in together, in sync, our lips joining, long and lingering. Pulling her closer, my hand caressed her back and my fingers entangled in her hair, as soft as I’d always imagined. She feathered the skin on the back of my neck, her touch light and delicate and sending waves of warmth through me.

This time there was no doubt, no rush, no misgivings.

Taylor and I were a winning combination—

at least, off court.

Our next move was to test it on court.

Chapter 20


Idon’t know how Imanaged to drive home, I was literally shaking! And seeing Max’s truck in my rearview mirror did not make it any easier.

My first kiss!

And boy, what a kiss. Soft and gentle and when he threaded his hands through my hair, I was like a little lamb, weak at the knees. Holding around his neck was the only way to stay upright. And my fingertips delicately finding their way along his skin, feeble and uncertain at first—well, it was my first time! Then the bristly feeling as they ran through the back of his short hair—who knew that could send a tremor through my whole body?

Advantage, Taylor!

I thundered in the front door and went straight through the living room where Dad was sitting on the couch. “What on—?”

But I’d bolted upstairs, already shrugging off my blazer as I called, “I’m not staying, just changing...” I kicked off my shoes at the same time that I pulled a clean t-shirt from my drawer. As I unzipped my skirt, I saw the headlights of Max’s truck flash through the window. Readjusting my bike shorts, I raced downstairs.

“I’m going with Max,” I said, bending down to Dad’s level to give him a peck on his cheek. But I stopped in midair, instead giving him a loud smoochy air kiss. My lips had recently mingled with Max’s, and I wasn’t sure if Dad would be able to tell.

“Max?” There was a slight amusement in his tone.

“He’s here now, we’re going for a hit.”


“Now!” I said, smiling as I ran out. “I’ll tell you all about it later. Love you!”
