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It turns out Johnny was right: we didn’t see a single shark the entire way.

That doesn’t mean it was a piece of cake. What with Johnny and Connor’s wounds, and my needing to rely on their help when I was tired, it took us almost an hour. By the time we got to the island, we were exhausted.

But Sebastian was there to greet us. As we approached where the waves started to break, he saw us and started yelling and waving ecstatically from the beach.

“A little help!” Johnny shouted at him. Sebastian immediately raced out into the waves and dragged me to shore.

“Thank God, thank God,” he kept sobbing as he helped me lie down on the sand. Then he went back out and helped Johnny and Connor limp their way onto the beach.

We all collapsed next to each other. Connor and I held hands as we stared up into the blue sky, too weary to speak.

“I thought I’d never see you again,” Sebastian said, wiping tears from his face.

I was touched; it was the most vulnerable I’d ever seen him.

“No such luck,” Connor said, his voice husky with fatigue.

“What happened?” Sebastian asked.

Johnny recounted the sinking of the yacht, and Connor and I talked about the final showdown with Miranda. Not only that, but I was able to fill in the final pieces of the puzzle with details about my kidnapping and being taken to the ship.

At the end of the story we had rested enough that we could sit up. Johnny inspected both his and Connor’s wounds while Sebastian tried not to throw up at the sight of blood.

In the end, Johnny concluded that neither injury was too bad.

“It feels pretty damn bad,” Connor said.

“I didn’t say it was good; I just said it wasn’t too bad. You’re not going to die from it, as long as you’re treated in time.”

“Oh, well, that’s a relief,” Connor quipped. “Seeing as how a hospital’s just down the road.”

He must have seen how panicked I looked, because he immediately soothed me. “Don’t worry. Eve will send somebody after us. She’s the one who told us about this island to begin with. I’m sure somebody’s on the way right now.”

“What do we do until we get rescued, then?” I asked.

“Conserve energy,” Johnny said.

“I could look around the island for fresh water,” Sebastian offered.

Connor wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “You did say you’d make it worth my while once we got back safely.”

I smacked him in the arm. “You’re going to have to – ”

“Aaaaagh!” he yelled. His face contorted in pain just as I remembered his gunshot wound.

“Oh my God, honey, I’m so sorry!” I said frantically.

His grimace turned into a grin, and he winked. “It’s the other arm.”

“YOU – ” I said, both relieved and annoyed at the same time.

He laughed, then smiled at me. “We could get married.”

I stared at him. “…what?”

“Weren’t we supposed to get married in a couple of days anyway?”
