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“I… oh my God, you’re right,” I said, stunned. In the midst of all the drama and terror of the last week, I had completely forgotten.

Connor turned to Sebastian. “Aren’t you supposed to be on top of this, Mr. Wedding Planner?”

“As I recall, your incarceration threw a kink into the works,” Sebastian reminded him drily.

“Well, I’m not incarcerated anymore.”

I laughed. “That would be a story to tell our grandkids someday.”

“You mean, on top of how my psychopathic ex tried to murder us?”

“Yeah, on top of that.”

“I like that you’ve already moved past our kids and are already on the grandkids,” Connor teased.

“Well, as long as we’re daydreaming, why not?”

Sebastian frowned thoughtfully. “You know… I am certified to perform the ceremony…”

“And the best man’s here,” Connor pointed out.

“True,” Johnny piped up. “Half alive, but true.”

I looked at Connor in astonishment. “Are you serious right now?”

He gave me a lopsided smile. “Do you want me to be?”

I know it’s silly, but my hopes had been slowly rising the last few seconds. Then, when he asked ‘Do you want me to be,’ my hopes deflated – because it sounded like he’d been joking all along.

I didn’t want to admit to that, though, so I just smiled and said, “Too bad you don’t have the rings.”

“Gotta have the rings,” he agreed with a nod.


He unzipped one of the tiny pockets on his black fatigues and pulled something out.

“Good thing I brought them along, then.”

On his palm were two golden circles, one large and thick, the other thin and slim.

I gasped, and tears clouded my eyes.

“Will you marry me, Lily Ross?” he asked quietly.

I burst into tears, and nodded yes, and kissed him passionately there on the beach in the middle of nowhere in the Caribbean Sea.

At that moment, there was no place I would have rather been.
