Page 101 of Scarred Assassin

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“What!?” I whispered. “What are you talking about?”

“Maybe they did it and you’re not his child, maybe that’s why he left with dad’s money and didn’t care about…” He choked as I stabbed him once and for all in his chest.

He was talking nonsense, he was spitting rubbish. Why wouldn’t I be my daddy’s daughter? I was my daddy’s daughter. I… I looked like him, I had his features, I had his personality, I was his baby girl.

Sam was lying. He was just babbling nonsense. He was an Antonio after all, and that was what they did best. They lied, they manipulated, they misled.

I was a Vincenzo, I was my daddy’s daughter.



“Am I daddy’s daughter?” I immediately challenged my mother as she picked up the call.

“What are you talking about?”

“I don’t want to ask you again mother, am I daddy’s daughter?” I barked into the phone.

“Why are you asking this? Of course you are Chris’ daughter, where did you even get this?”

“Because I want to know why Uncle Cedric would tell dad to take a DNA test.”

She whispered a ‘what!?’ and I scoffed. Was this woman kidding me? She didn’t know why her husband suddenly wanted DNA?

“So you mean he never told you he wanted a DNA test?”

“No, he never, because he had no reason to. He knew you were his daughter,everyoneknew you were his daughter. Why would Cedric ask him to do something like that?”

“That’s what I want to know, that is exactly what I want to know.”

“Why are you talking like this? Please don’t tell me that you don’t trust me. Cedric is a snake, he must have just tried to mislead Chris.”

“Mother, I swear to God, if I find out that I am not Chris Vincenzo’s daughter…”

“Jordan, please don’t say that…” I hung up and threw my phone beside me.

Why would my dad ever want to take a DNA test? Why would Cedric tell my dad to take a DNA test? I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. Again, only he could tell me.

I was so frustrated and so mad at absolutely nothing. What if all of this was not what I had thought it was? What if this was a whole different story? How would Cedric, my mom and my dad narrate this in their own perspective? Would we all have a different story?

I should call Chan. He could find anything and everything, so he would know what to do if I explained everything to him. He should be able to find the hospital that my dad and Cedric went to, and tell me the result of the test. I picked up the phone and dialed his number.

“Hey baby.”

“Chan, I need something from you.”

“Is everything okay?”

“I just killed Sam, the third son.”

I heard rustling and a soft feminine voice, must be his girlfriend’s. “Jordy, do you want to stop? You can come to France, and I’ll hide you. Nobody will ever find you, I’ll make sure of it.”

“That’s not it. You know I can’t stop now.”

“Then what is it?”

“Sam said he once heard Cedric telling my dad to do a DNA test on me.”
