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As they lay together, Layla felt the warmth of the morning sun through the window, and she couldn’t help but be grateful for the beautiful day ahead of them.

She called the television station she worked for after lunch, letting them know she’d be back to work on Monday. She hated that she couldn’t live in this little bubble with Jake for the rest of her life, but working needed to happen. They still had six days together before they went back though. Six days of bliss spent in the arms of the man she loved.

Chapter Nineteen

The wind blew gentlyfrom the north, stirring Layla’s auburn hair as she stood on the porch of her cottage. The whispers of the wind brushed against her skin and the prickling sensation in her mind alerted her to the presence of a vision. She closed her eyes, focusing on the faint images that swirled in her mind.

“Hey, Layla!” Jake called out, jogging up the path toward her. His chiseled features were open and friendly, his blue eyes shining with warmth. He wore his fireman’s uniform, the sight of which never failed to make Layla’s heart flutter.

“Hi, Jake,” Layla greeted him, doing her best to keep her face neutral. The lingering remnants of her vision threatened to consume her thoughts, but she couldn’t afford to lose herself in them now.

“Another vision?” he asked softly, a concerned frown creasing his brow.

“Maybe,” she replied evasively. “It’s hard to say.”

“Let me know if I can help,” he offered earnestly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. The touch sent tingles down Layla’s spine, making it even harder for her to concentrate on the task at hand. “I thought I’d stop by before my shift starts. I’m on a three day shift starting at midnight.”

“Thanks, Jake.” She smiled back at him, though she knew the expression didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’ll be fine.”

“All right then,” he said, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze before stepping back. “I better get to work. Stay safe, Layla.”

“You too,” she murmured, watching him walk away with a heavy heart. As much as she cared for the brave and kind-hearted fireman, she couldn’t help but feel that their relationship was slipping through her fingers like sand.

As the days passed, Layla found it increasingly difficult to synchronize her schedule with Jake’s. They both worked hard to protect the community, but their respective jobs often kept them apart for long hours. They tried to make time for each other, attempting to talk at least a few minutes every day, but the conversations felt forced and strained.

Layla couldn’t shake the feeling that without the mystery that had brought them together, there might be nothing left between them. She wondered if the bond they shared was really strong enough to withstand the pressures of everyday life.

“Hey, Layla?” Jake asked one day, his voice hesitant as he called her after work. “Would you like to go out for dinner with me on Saturday evening? There’s this new place in Popsville I’ve been wanting to try.”

“Sure, Jake,” she agreed, forcing a smile. “That sounds nice.”

“Great,” he grinned, visibly relieved. “I’ll pick you up at six.”

“Pick me up from Fiona’s,” she replied. “It’s always a good time for a girl chat. And I am dying to see how big her baby bump has gotten.”

“I’ll see you then.”

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