Page 30 of A Chance Fall

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As April walked downtown, she contemplated her next move. The streets bustled around her as she kept her head down in thought.

The streets were packed with tourists. There were shops in every direction, selling memorabilia from the past and present. The shops lined the streets and stretched out for blocks. Every shop she passed had something new to offer.

It was all a reminder that tourist season would be well underway soon enough.

April felt the sun warm her as she walked. The cool breeze put a chill up her back. Still, she kept walking forward, the only way to figure out what to do next.

On her way to the town hall, she saw the sign that always put a lump in her throat. Giant's.

Nigel was inside that burger joint. She wanted to see him so badly, to tell him everything that was going on. Aside from Alice, he was one of the people she felt like she could tell anything to. At least, he was before Lily showed up and threw a wrench in things.

April thought that it was better that she showed up now instead of in a few years when things were really getting serious between them. At least Nigel was being forced to confront things now when it was easier.

She took a deep breath and opened the door to Giant's. Nigel sat behind the counter, wearing his usual smile. He looked up when he heard the bell ring, and their eyes met.

Nigel stopped what he was doing and stepped out from behind the counter. He walked over to her and gave her a gentle hug. April felt herself relax in his arms, as if nothing had happened at all.

"How are you?" he asked, seemingly happier than ever.

April was surprised that he ignored the other customers in his restaurant. No one stared, they were occupied with their own conversations. But still, it was a display of affection in front of everyone who knew he owned the place.

"There's so much going on," April admitted, head down. "I'm honestly so confused at this point. It feels like everything is against me."

Nigel nodded along as she spoke. "I get it. I'm sorry things seem to be so crazy for you right now."

He motioned for her to follow him, taking his seat behind the counter again. The stool at the very corner was the only quiet spot open, so April sat there, looking deeply at the handsome man before her.

His chiseled face and dark eyes captivated her. She felt a pang of guilt for thinking that way when she had so much on her plate, but she couldn't help herself. Nigel was attractive, and she had always been drawn to him.

"Look, I wanted to say I'm really sorry about last night. I saw your call and I should have picked up," Nigel explained, head hung low. "Honestly, I should have run over to the house and talked to you in person."

April wondered why he didn't. What was he so busy with that he couldn't take a phone call? Or was it because he didn't want to talk to her?

Trying to play it cool, she shrugged. "I understand."

She'd already interrogated him enough lately. It was time to settle it down. She just wanted her friend back, her favorite person to talk to. Then slowly they could uncover their feelings, just like they'd been playing to do all along.

It was supposed to go slow. It's just that Lily's arrival left them at a standstill.

"Maybe I could do something for you tonight, to make up for it?" His eyes twinkled, and his smirk made her heart race.

The bell sounded behind them, but neither paid attention, too encapsulated by the discussion at hand.

It wasn't until Lily's hand was on the bar top that April even noticed she'd walked in. As soon as she saw it, a chill went up her spine. Not just out of fear of what would happen next, but out of anger and jealousy.

April looked to Nigel for his reaction. Clearly, he wasn't as bothered as her. But he didn't look happy to see Lily either. It was more like indifference.

"Hey, Nigel," Lily said, her voice low and sultry. She leaned across the bar, as if April wasn't there at all. "It was great to see you last night."

April couldn't believe what she'd just heard. So much in fact that she wondered if Lily had spoken at all. Had she imagined it?

But then she looked up at Nigel, who stared at her wide-eyed. "April, that's not... It's not what you..."

Without another word, April stood and walked out of the restaurant. Even in the fresh air, she felt like she could barely breathe. Though no one was looking at her, she could see the eyes of everyone in town staring.

Her hand clasped onto her chest. All she could do was walk. One step after another. She had to focus only on that.

As she walked, her thoughts raced. How could Nigel do this to her? Had he been seeing Lily behind her back? She thought that she was crazy for thinking that was true. But now, she was confronted with the fact that she was right all along.
