Page 159 of Heresy

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If Tanner’s voice had come through the line, I would have tossed this piece of shit phone out the window.

“Just crossed the state line. What’s going on?”

From behind him, a feminine voice speaks up. It’s not familiar to me, but Brinley’s head turns my way, her eyes looking down at the phone as if it’ll let her see Damon instead of just hear him.

“Is that Ames?” she asks.

Damon answers the person in the room with him before answering Brinley.

“That’s why I’m calling, to let you two know Ames is with me, and we’re heading down to Georgia to meet you.”

At least the plan is finally coming together up there. Tanner may not have figured out anything when I last spoke to him, but leave it to Damon to waste no time getting his hands on the dancer.

“How are you getting here?”

“Gabe’s plane. Everybody else will be flying down tomorrow. Taylor thinks he has an idea where Scott lives, and Tanner’s following that lead now. He wants as many of us up here with him as possible, just in case he plans to strike back or take Scott out of the equation. But he wants me down there with you, just in case shit hits the fan on your end.”

Brinley’s brows tug together at that.

“What could possibly happen here? My father won’t do anything to me if we find him.”

More importantly, “Scott is mine,” I demand. “Make sure Tanner knows that.”

It’s just like Damon to laugh. “I heard about your car. Soon as I found out, I figured you’d issue a death warrant for it.”

In truth, my desire to take out Scott has nothing to do with the car and everything to do with Brinley. But I can’t tell Damon that. I can’t tell anybody that.

To them, it would mean something that I don’t want it to mean.

“I’m serious, Damon. Let Tanner know.”

“Whatever, man. I’ll call you when we land.”

Before he can end the call, Brinley pipes up. “Can I talk to Ames real quick?”

He puts Ames on the phone.

“Brin! What the hell have you gotten me into, woman?”

“It’s a long story. I’ll explain when you arrive in Georgia. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. How’d Damon get you away from Granger?”

“Also a long story,” Ames answers after a noticeable pause. “Let’s just say I might not have a job when this is over.”

Brinley looks at me, mischief in her expression.

“That’s cool. I’ll just have Shane pay your rent.”

My head snaps her direction. “The hell you will.”

“Don’t listen to him, Ames. Did you hear about what he spent on clothing for me?”

I’m about one second away from ending this damn call.

Ames lets out a weird girl noise. I’m not even sure what to call it, but they all do it when they get excited and conspiratorial. It’s drives me fucking nuts.

“Yes! Woman, what the hell kind of magic do you have because I need some of it.”

That’s what I would like to know.
