Page 170 of Heresy

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It’s impossible to miss the hesitation between them as they agree to take separate rooms.

Normally, I’d cock a brow in question, but given the current situation, I can’t find the ability to give a fuck.

“What about everybody else?” Ames asks.

Glancing at Damon then back to her, I explain, “They’ll get another suite of rooms.”

“And Brinley will need a room,” she adds, “when we get her back.”

Her expression is so hopeful it pisses me off more.

Brinley should be here already.

If she were, she wouldn’t be staying in her own room.

I decided that the second she was taken. And I hated myself more for ending the conversation we were having before I opened the door and the shit hit the fan.

I should have had the balls to tell her how I feel.

Now I’m worried I won’t get the chance.

There’s still hope for that. Just as soon as I find her again.

When I don’t answer, Ames asks another question, disrupting the tense silence.

“How long before the rest arrive?”

Ames has good intentions, and I can tell she genuinely cares about Brinley. But her presence here while Brinley is gone is rubbing me the wrong way.

Walking to the doorway of my bedroom, I pause in the threshold and don’t bother looking back. “About five hours.”

The door slams closed behind me, then I drop my weight on the bed.

I need to be alone for the few hours of quiet I have left. It’ll slowly drive me crazy, I know that, but there’s nothing else I can do right now except wait it out while plotting how I plan to get Brinley back.

“Okay, let’s go over everything we know right now that’s helpful.”

Sitting back in a chair by a large picture window, I stare outside. There’s no guessing what I’m watching for. That I’ll see Jerry’s car come rolling up? Or maybe Brinley running like hell back to the hotel?

At this point, I’ll take anything over this bullshit family meeting I knew Tanner would call as soon as they arrived here.

Not even one hour after landing and we’re all neatly tucked into my hotel suite, the entire crew including Luca, Ava, Ivy and Emily.

I’m still trying to figure out how they all fit on Gabriel’s plane.

Taylor’s voice filters through my thoughts, dispelling my fascination with the parking lot.

“The license plate number Shane gave me leads back to a rental car. I dug deeper, hoping to find information on Scott, but if he rented the car, he did it under a fake name. Jerry could have rented it as well.”

That’s not much help, not that I had all my hopes and prayers tucked in that one basket.

Jerry and Scott have been at this shit for as long as our fathers. It makes sense they’d know how to cover their tracks.

“What about the safe house?” Tanner asks.

That gets my interest, and I shift in my seat to glance at Taylor.
