Page 78 of Heresy

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Damon and Ezra both shift in their seats. They glance between each other before Ezra clears his throat and adds, “Actually, Gabe and Shane aren’t wrong. Dude looks like a lethal son of a bitch, and even I would have second thoughts about going toe to toe with him.”

Gabe’s astute glare lands on Ezra. “And how, exactly, would you know that about Scott? I’m not aware you’ve had a chance to meet him.”

Silence descends on the room again, Ezra, Damon, Ivy and Emily making it a point to look anywhere else besides at each other.

Gabe’s eyes narrow.

“Is there something you four should be telling us?”

Ivy shrugs and opens her mouth to say something, but Tanner’s booming voice drowns her out.

“Who gives a shit who knows who and how we’re all related? What I want to know is what the relationship is between Brinley and Governor Callahan, and how the fuck we’re supposed to get her back now that he’s grabbed her.”

His green eyes pin Ivy.

“Who the fuck is Scott?”

Slowly, Ivy turns her attention to Tanner, not flustered in the least by the tone of his voice. Most people would tremble under Tanner’s scrutinous stare, but Ivy simply brushes her hair aside again and offers him a cordial smile.

I’ve always admired her for that. She fears nothing and nobody.

“Scott used to be my personal driver.”

Tanner’s expression twists with disgust. “Are you all fucking with me? Why are we afraid of a driver?”

“He’s more like a rabid attack dog,” Gabe interjects, the words muttered before he takes another long sip of his drink.

Ivy laughs. “He’s really…”

“Not that bad,” I finish for her. “Except he is, and the fact you don’t realize that concerns me.”

She waves off my comment with her hand and rolls her aqua eyes. “I mean, yes, he’s ex-military, but really, he’s just a big teddy bear.”

Gabe finishes off his drink with a snort then turns to pour another.

A loud sigh blows over Tanner’s lips as he pushes away from the wall, tucks his hands in his pockets and paces back and forth in front of us.

“Ex-military.” He turns to Ivy. “Why did your dad have ex-military escorting you around?”

From where Gabe’s standing, a bark of laughter bursts through the room. We all turn our attention to him.

He glances over his shoulder at us, tops off his drink, then turns to face us fully.

“Have any of you met Ivy? With the shit she pulls, I’m surprised her father didn’t have an entire squadron watching her lovely ass.”

She glares at him, but he winks in response.

“It wasn’t an insult, love. We admire your shifty ways. But you have to admit, your father had good reason to pick Scott.”

“And that is?”

Tanner’s question booms through the room, drawing all of our attention back to him.

He eyes all of us but then plants his pissed off stare on Taylor.

“Who the fuck is Scott? I want every detail.”

Without blinking an eye, Taylor pulls out his trusty laptop, his fingers moving quickly over the keys as he infiltrates government websites, state websites, county and city websites and whatever else he uses to track people down.
