Page 80 of Heresy

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She continues anyway. “Where you men have failed in getting the job done, this situation is going to require a woman’s touch to clean it up. Just like always.”

Gabe grins. “How is that a rule, love?”

She shushes him. “It just is. So since I personally know Brinley, why don’t I approach her and lure her back to this den of snakes? Then you all can interrogate her and be done with it.”

It’s not a bad idea, I think.

“It’s a horrible idea,” Tanner says as he begins pacing again. “For one, I’m sure your father is warning her about all of us.”

He glances at Ivy. “That includes you now because he knows you’re with Gabe. And for two—”

“That’s where you’re wrong, as usual,” Ivy interrupts.

The two lock each other in a stare down. Not that Ivy gives a shit. She simply continues her train of thought.

“My father may warn Brinley about the Inferno. You’re right there. But he wouldn’t risk his reputation by admitting that I’m involved with you. That’s too personal of information for him to risk Brinley running off with. Will he have someone watching her? Most likely. But they’ll be watching for the nine of you. Not me.”

Gabe moves across the room to sit beside her, another full drink in his hand. “I don’t like it. Your father may still want to get his hands on you for stealing the flash drive.”

“You know what?” Jase yells, his temper flaring as he stands from his seat. “I’m sick of all of this shit. The fact is this Brinley bitch has information on Everly, which means I’ll do what the rest of you are too scared to do and fucking grab her myself.”

A flash of protective anger erupts inside me, from where and for what reason I have no idea. But it pushes me to my feet and marches me across the room to go nose to nose with Jase.

“You won’t fucking touch Brinley.”

He grins. “And why is that? It’s not like you were able to get her under control. Maybe she’ll prefer me over—”

I lunge at him before he can finish his sentence, the entire room erupting in moving bodies. When Ezra and Damon drag me away before I can land the first punch, Mason and Sawyer grab Jase.

“Children!” Gabe yells, but his voice is easily drowned out by Tanner’s.

“Both of you fucking chill! Jase…” he points a finger at him, “you’re the only person in this room who has a rabid hard-on for Everly, and none of us give the first fuck about it. So unless you can give me a good goddamned reason why she’s more important than Brinley and those servers at this point, just shut the fuck up.”

He turns to me and walks my direction, the tip of his finger poking into my chest.

“And you, calm the fuck down, and stop fighting with your brothers. How is Brinley worth that?”

“Oh,” I say, egging him on, “you’re one to talk. I seem to remember a night at Yale when you were chasing Luca—”

“Shut your fucking mouth,” he demands.

I let it go, but not because Tanner has authority over me. That’s where he always gets this wrong. Instead, I drop that subject for one that’s more important for me at the moment.

“If anyone is going after Brinley, it’ll be me. I won’t budge on that.”

Damon leans in to whisper in my ear. “If you need help, I’m here for you.”

I shake my head. This is between Brinley and me. She’s mine to find and mine to steal when I find her.

Tanner steps back, eyes me for a minute and then nods his head.

“You have a week to get her. After that, I don’t care who gets the job done. I just want it done.”

He turns before I can answer him, anger a vibration over his skin as he walks toward the door.

“Family meeting fucking over. Taylor, find out everything you can on Scott. And, Shane, get your damn head back in the game to get this solved.”

Ezra and Damon release me as soon as Tanner leaves the room. One by one, everyone stands from their seats and leaves, even Emily after casting a worried look in Ezra’s direction.
