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I make a retching sound, while JJ starts to laugh. Cadence stops in front of both of us, her hands on her hips, her gaze downright evil.

“I hope you get suspended,” she whisper-hisses.

“Please. They won’t suspend me.” I rise to my feet, standing tall over her. “Besides, you’re the one who attacked me first.”

“Like they’d believe that. Look at you. You could break me in half.” She says the last four words extra loud, bringing Matthews to the door.

“Lancaster. Get in here,” he snaps, glaring at me.

Heaving a big sigh, I step over JJ’s outstretched legs and head for the headmaster’s office, slamming the door behind me. God, I hate this guy’s office. It’s small and overly-crowded with books and papers and it’s a mess. I don’t know how he runs the entire school being so damn unorganized.

“Sit down,” he says like I’m a fucking dog.

“I’d rather stand.” I lift my chin, glaring at him.

He glares at me in return. We go like this for what feels like five minutes but is probably only thirty seconds before his shoulders fall and he settles into the chair behind his desk.

“I spoke with Miss Calhoun and she claims that you attacked her after she told you she doesn’t want to date you anymore.” Matthews crosses his arms in front of his chest and leans back in his chair, which makes a horrible creaking sound. Is nothing new in this building? “Care to elaborate?”

I start pacing, which is near impossible because there’s hardly any space in this closet of a room. “Sir, if I can be frank with you, she’s lying.”

“Really.” Matthews’ voice is flat.

“Absolutely. I was trying to break it off with her as nicely as possible when she lost her mind and charged me like a bull. She head-butted me.” I come to a stop, curling my hands around the back of my neck, and grip it tightly as I study him. “She almost took me down too. She’s stronger than she looks.”

“So you didn’t try to slap her?”

“Hell no!” When Matthews glares, I clear my throat. “Sorry. No. I didn’t try to slap her. I didn’t touch her. She’s the one who came at me first.”

The skeptical look on his face clearly says he doesn’t believe me but I forge on.

“Ask JJ. He’ll vouch for me.”

“He’s your best friend.”

“So? He’s a witness.”

“He’ll always vouch for you. You and your buddies have some sort of unwritten bro code you stick to no matter what.” Matthews drops his arms and scoots forward, the chair squealing in protest. “Regardless of who started it, we do not tolerate violence on this campus.”

“Good,” I retort. “I assume she’ll get in trouble for trying to take me out?”

“You are both participants in the altercation, so you’ll both be…in trouble, as you call it.”

Groaning, I fall into the chair directly behind me, resting my elbows on my knees and holding my head in my hands. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“First day of school and you’ve caused a ruckus from the moment you entered the auditorium. I can’t have you disrupting school-sanctioned functions like this. You’re a distraction, Arch, and I’m tired of it. We’re all tired of it.”

I lift my head. “Who’s we?”

“Everyone on this campus. You think you’re untouchable because you’re a Lancaster and I suppose you’re right. But I’m going to put a stop to your deviant behavior once and for all.”

I stare at him, shocked at the anger in his voice, the way his mouth is drawn tight. This dude is actually pissed at me. And I don’t think it’s because of what just happened during the assembly or afterward.

This feels like it’s three long years of pent-up anger and frustration directed right at me. My friends and I have given this guy endless shit since we started here. And he’s finally got me where he wants me.

At his mercy.

“Tell me my punishment then.” I sit up straight, my expression stoic. “I can take it.”
