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I think about Daisy, and how she doesn’t act that way around me at all. My name definitely doesn’t impress her, and I’m pretty sure she hated me on sight. And while I sound like a complete douche even in my own head, I can’t help but find that refreshing.

It’s not that she’s one of those “not like other girls” girls either. It’s just that she has zero tolerance for me. She’s not interested. I’m not even on her radar.

She was aware of me, of course, because of our academic situation. And while I’ve noticed her and always thought she was moderately pretty—fine, she’s beautiful—I didn’t think of her like that. She’s a good girl.

And I’ve never bothered with good girls before.

The more I think about her, the more I want to get to know her. I want to find out what she likes, what she doesn’t like. Her favorite food. Her favorite color. What does she want to do once high school is over. She’s a total overachiever so I’d guess college is on the agenda.

Would she think less of me if I told her that doesn’t interest me? Would I sound like a spoiled rich prick if I admitted I just want to travel around for the next few years and see the world?

I sound like a rich prick in my own head so I’m sure the answer is yes to that last question.

I grab a fresh Post-it and slap it on the page I just highlighted, then grab my pencil and write a little note for Daisy. Wondering if she’s figured out who she’s communicating with yet.

Probably not. Will she be pissed when she finds out it’s me?


I’m willing to take the risk.

Once school is over and I’m exiting the building, I spot my sister walking just ahead of me. I call her name and she glances over her shoulder, stopping to wait for me as I approach.

“Lowering your standards to be seen with me, hmm?” Edie tilts her head, her assessing gaze landing on my face.

I scowl. “Come on, Edie. Lowering my standards? Give me a break. You’re the one who’s never around.”

“I’m hanging out with my friends and you’re hanging out with yours. Though I’ve noticed you’ve been ignoring them more and more lately.”

She’s right.

“Cadence texted me last night,” Edie adds.

Damn, why can’t she leave this—me—alone? “What the hell did she want?”

“Tips on how to get back into your bed.” Edie laughs when I sputter. “She didn’t say those exact words, but she implied it. She’s so sad, Arch.”

“She can remain sad. I’m not interested in her.” If Edie really fell for Cadence’s lies, then she’s more gullible than I thought she was.

“Who are you interested in?”

“No one,” I lie. “What about you?”

“Not a single student on this campus could interest me,” Edie says, her voice downright smug. “They’re all so immature. Even guys in your class.Especiallyguys in your class.”

“Right and all of those assholes in your class are far superior,” I say sarcastically.

“I never said that. They definitely aren’t.”

We give each other shit the entire walk back to the building where our rooms are. She’s right down the hall from me and it’s kind of nice, knowing she’s there with me. I can’t imagine being on this campus alone, the only Lancaster in this old, creepy building. Once I graduate, Edie will be the only Lancaster left standing on campus.

Wait. Our little brothers will be freshmen next year so she won’t be a complete loner. I’ll be the one who’s out and the rest of my siblings will be here.

My steps slow when we pass by the Albright’s garden. Row after row of vegetables, mostly tomatoes. And the rose bushes. Funny how they don’t grow daisies.

I take it all in, wishing she was there so I could go to her and talk to her, just so I could hear her voice, but there’s no one out there.

Just that damn cat I scared off last night. Sniffing around the vegetables right before it sinks its teeth into a fat tomato, makes a hissing noise and then runs off.
