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“Here’s the thing you need to know about Trip,” I said. “Helovesto make himself out to be a victim. He thrives on it. And if you went to his house and punched him, it would give him exactly what he wants. Even if he does deserve it.”

“Hedoesdeserve it,” Logan gritted out. Then he glanced at me with softness in his eyes. “Sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t have…” Suddenly he seemed embarrassed by the entire thing. “You probably need to get going, right? To get back to the kennel?”

I glanced at my watch. “You know what? I’m going to ask Suzie to close everything up for me tonight. I’ll have to leave early in the morning to go home, but I think it’s worth it to sleep over. If you don’t mind.”

I could tell Logan was trying to appear cool about the whole thing, but I noticed the flicker of excitement and relief in his eyes. “Sure, you can stay over.”

“Me too?” Braden called from the kitchen.

“Bed’s not big enough,” Logan shot back.

“There’s plenty of room if we wedge Beth between us, like a sleepy Beth taco,” Braden argued.

I raised an eyebrow at Logan. “That sounds nice.”

“We can make a Beth sandwich another time,” Logan insisted.

Braden’s blond head appeared in the doorway. “Not sandwich.Taco.”

“We can make whichever Beth food another time.” Logan turned to me and gave me the most genuine smile I had ever seen from the hard man. “Tonight, she’s all mine.”



The best thing about three guys sharing one woman was that we fed off of each other’s energy. When one of us was pulling out all the stops for Beth, it made the other two step up their game. When Logan possessively insisted that Beth washistonight, it only made my desire for her stronger.

I gave her a very long kiss goodbye, then went home, already daydreaming about the next time I would get her all to myself.

When I got home and took Pickles for a walk, I gazed up at all the highrise condos and apartments in my downtown neighborhood. When the Indianapolis Colts announced the move to St. Louis, and all the players consequently were told they were moving, I resented our new city. Part of that was because it coincided with a devastating breakup. St. Louis, both the city and all of its inhabitants, represented the loss of a chance for true love. Part of that resentment translated to my performance on the field; I went through the motions, but there wasn’t anyheartto the way I was playing. And even though he would never admit it, Christian played with the same malaise.

Things felt different, now. St. Louis was the city where Beth lived, the city that had brought us together with our new lover. I had a deeper attachment to the city through Beth, and it gave me a reason to fight. A reason to play every single football game with unrelenting passion until the clock reached zero. I loved this city because I was beginning to love Beth.

And not just, like, because she let me stick it in her butt.

I chuckled to myself as I rounded the corner with Pickles, heading back to my condo. Tonight was so unbelievably hot. Thank goodness I had joined the two of them late, because even then I barely lasted a minute once I was inside Beth. The sight of my cock swallowed by her gorgeous round ass had nearly made me explode the moment I gave her my first urgent thrust. Just thinking about it again gave me half of a hard-on in my jeans.

Pickles glanced back at me like he could read my mind, tongue lolling and tail wagging as we headed home. “You wouldn’t understand. You had your balls removed three years ago.”

I had been worried about Logan, and whether or not he would warm to Beth. Tonight was a relieving reassurance. It was a good sign that he was possessive of Beth when I left, insisting that she washis. That meant he was into her.

A lot.

Somehow, for the next couple of days I was able to put Beth’s tight little ass out of my head and focus on Sunday’s football game against the Houston Texans, one of our division rivals. Yet despite my best efforts, the Texans were able to cover me without fail, and I only caught two passes the entire game. Fortunately, their defensive infatuation with me allowed several of my teammates to get open, and we handily defeated them, 29 - 17.

Christian and I celebrated with Beth throughout the following week, taking turns spending time with her at the kennel. That worked out, because Logan had a busy schedule of games all week. But on Friday, the three of us met for lunch with Beth at a little sandwich shop in town.

“That disguise is a little cliché,” Beth said when I sat at the corner table, joining the others.

I removed my sunglasses, but left the St. Louis Cardinals baseball cap on. “It’s cliché because it works. Nobody recognized us.”

“Now that you’re here, we can discuss something.” Christian placed his phone on the table. It was open to an article from TMZ, the tabloid.

“Photos of you two leaving a bowling alley,” I said. “So what?”

“So, it means you two need to be more fucking careful,” Logan snapped. He tapped his finger on the table next to the phone.

“Ustwo?” I asked. “These are photos of Christian and Beth. I don’t see any photos with me in them.”
