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She bit her bottom lip and seemed to be considering my offer.

“Come on,” I prodded. “The spa will still be here tomorrow. But I could only get the ATV for today. They were booked the rest of the week.”

“Okay, then.” She shrugged. “Yeah. I’ll go.”

“Sweet.” I smiled before getting up to head to the buffet. “Be right back.”

Now I felt like I could relax and eat. For some reason, I’d been anxious to ask her to go with me. While Sarah had seemed pretty standoffish when we first met, she now seemed a bit more open to actually hanging out and having fun on her vacation. So at least there was hope. I certainly hadn’t come on this trip expecting to be attracted to my travel mate. In fact, I’d had no expectations about anything at all. I’d been bored one day on my lunch break, fucking around when I entered that contest. I never in a million years thought I’d actually win the damn thing. Which is probably why I didn’t take things seriously at first. Case in point, I’d worn that get-up to the airport to be funny. Of course, Sarah thought I was a lunatic. Turns out, she was only half-right.

After picking up the ATV and gearing up in our helmets, we took off and explored the beautiful white-sand beach, basking in the bright sunshine while waves crashed in the distance. I didn’t mind having her arms wrapped around me one bit. It was hard to hear each other while we were riding, though, so we had to speak loudly.

“So what happened with your ex?” I shouted as we rode along the beach.

“You want me to talk about that now, when we’re supposed to be having fun?”

“Why not? That way we can get all the downer stuff over with. Would you rather tell me about it over dinner when you can hear a pin drop?”

She shouted over the motor. “Okay…my ex, Trent, who I’d been with since college, left me for his nineteen-year-old assistant. That’s all there is to it. Happy now? He traded me in for a new model.”

“You know what they say when it comes to newer models versus the original?” I yelled.

“What’s that?”

“They don’t make ’em like they used to. Cheaper parts. Anyway, you’re a smoke show, Sarah. He’s smoking crack.”

“Well, thank you.” She held onto me tighter. “You know, it kind of felt good yelling everything out.”

“Really? Do it some more.”

“What do you mean?”

“Yell out your frustrations!”

I didn’t think she was going to take me up on that until I heard her scream behind me at the top of her lungs.

“Fuck you, Trent!”

“There you go!” I said, revving the engine and going a bit faster. “He’s missing out on a damn good time here, too. Suits him right.”

We rode along without talking for a bit.

“Your turn,” she said. “I know a little about your dump story. You said her name was Kelly. What was so special about that vibrator anyway?”

“The clit tickler,” I yelled.


“Did you not hear me? Or do you just want to hear me say it again?”

“I heard you. I guess I couldn’t believe my ears.”

“Clit tickler!” I yelled even louder. “Say it again for the people in the back. Clit tickler!”

She was laughing hysterically. “Please explain.”

“I don’t know how comfortable you are with this stuff.”

“Do you think I’m some kind of prude? I’ll have you know, I actually own a Lucy Goosey vibrator.”
