Page 12 of Love Puck

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Then he followed up by chucking over a Mars bar. A Canadian Mars bar.

“All right, since you assholes are being all sentimental and shit, I might have smuggled something.” Trey set his snacks down and yanked his duffle bag closer. He pulled out huge bags of—Ketchup chips.

“How the fuck did you fit those in your bag?” Beau asked as Trey threw us each a big bag of chips.

“I took out my change of clothes.” He opened his bag and stuck his hand right in.

“So it’s a good thing you caught that extra pair of underwear today,” Beau shot back.

Even Trey couldn’t help but laugh. “Shut up. We leave in the morning. And I’m not taking any of my clothes off. I can’t afford to spare any body heat.”

I stared down at my bag of chips and barely heard the guys talking. The last time I ate these—was at Jillian’s. And she ate them, too.

And after she did—I sucked her fingers clean.

And then she sucked me.


Who knew you could get blue balls from Ketchup chips?

“Don’t tell me you hate Ketchup chips. That’s practically a national requirement,” Trey teased me.

I sighed and opened the bag. The delicious smell of ketchup chips assaulted my nose. “I’m a good Canadian. See?” I scooped up a handful of chips and crunched them down.

“You’re a messy Canadian,” Trey said as he crunched away. His hoodie wasn’t much cleaner than mine.

I wiped my hands on my jeans and grabbed more of the reddest chips ever made.

“Lexi eats these when she’s sad, or nervous about something,” Trey shared with us.

Beau nodded his head and said, “Gigi, too. She cries directly into the bag when she gets homesick, or she’s stressed.”

A thought entered my mind about Jillian. I wondered if she only ate Ketchup chips when she was nervous or stressed out?

Guess I’d never find out. Not now.


That was all Stuart’s problem.

Beau cleared his throat. “And what do you do—when you’re sad or stressed?” He looked at Trey and I felt the air around us grow thick.

“Eat Ketchup chips,” he said, crunching another mouthful. “Go to the gym,” more crunching, “Read. And seduce my wife.”

Beau grinned and chuckled. “All in that order?”

Trey and I laughed and kept eating. “I do a lot of things, man. What I don’t do is reach for a pill bottle anymore.”

Beau and I nodded in silence. I wasn’t sure what to say to that.

“Proud of you,” Beau said in a quiet voice. “I mean, I knew you could climb out of that hole. I’m just really fuckin’ glad you did it.”

Trey’s eyes got glassy and so did mine. A dry burning sensation set up behind my eyes, and my guts twisted. I wasn’t around for everything that Trey had gone through. And I felt horrible I’d missed it.

“Thanks. You had more faith in me than I did, I think,” Trey answered back. He set the bag of chips down and rubbed his hands together.

I peered over at Trey. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help. I wish you’d called me,” I said quietly, feeling a deeper sting behind my eyes.
