Page 19 of Love Puck

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The camera shot to Christina. “We really do. And I’m happy to say that our women’s team has never looked better. And they’ve got the results to show it. Another three wins on the road last week. I’m loving how strong this team is, and how they’ve grown so much in the last couple of years together.”

Both co-hosts came up on the screen. Marco tilted his head to the side in an exaggerated way. “You haven’t mentioned the men’s team yet, Christina. I wonder why?”

I bit my lip and inwardly groaned. The men hadn’t won a game. Not yet, anyway. Of course, Marco would feel the need to point that out right away.

Christina had a professional way about her—but you could tell underneath all of that—she wanted to slug him.

“Give them some time. I think you’re going to see some different results soon enough.”

Marco looked straight out into the camera. “Anyone else here think Christina’s being a little too optimistic?” He chuckled and clapped his hands together. And the audience laughed right along with him.

Christina stayed silent and glared at him. Then she said, “I’m betting after Thanksgiving, these guys are going to surprise you. I already see some big improvements. And if they keep adjusting their offense like they have—I see great things happening for this men’s team.”

Marco gave her a fake smile. “You’re really looking on the bright side. But let’s get back to the business at hand.”

I took a much needed deep breath when the next clip was us playing hockey. We just got home from playing a series in B.C. And boy, did we kick some ass. The girls loved watching the fantastic clips.

Then it switched to some montages of us hanging out at different restaurants. Of course, we hit a mall or two. Because, yes, we were hockey players. But also, yes, we were one hundred percent shoppers.

Well, most of us, anyway.

There were a few girls who hated shopping. So, they hung back and did other stuff.

The video clips were cute and very complimentary to us. It actually gave me some hope that maybe they’d continue in that vein.

Fifty-five minutes later, my hopes were dashed when the show focused back on the fishing trip.

At first, everyone laughed themselves silly at Trey catching a pair of gross underwear. His excitement—before they’d discovered what was on the end of his hook—had been so cute. I loved that guy.

But the only one who’d caught anything—besides underwear—had been Beau. And that fish didn’t look big enough to feed three huge hockey players.

Not surprisingly, they’d all managed to smuggle in snacks. I couldn’t blame them. These men ate a lot, and the show had told them all they’d give them was one can of beans each. The men would have to work for their supper.

Anyway, Cash shared his jerky, Trey shared his enormous bags of ketchup chips. And Beau shared his candy stash.

Which I figured he’d likely stolen from his fiancée.

My suspicions were confirmed when Gigi stood up and shouted, “Hey! That’s my stash!”

We all laughed as Gigi frowned at the TV. Beau would be in the doghouse for that.

The next part showed them having a very, very, very touching heart-to-heart—where they all shared their concerns and feelings.




My heart broke for Trey.

But then the other guys patched it back together.

More than a few of us got teary-eyed.

After that emotional rollercoaster, the camera focused on Trey as he said, “You miss her, right?”

Gigi gasped and sat right back down.
