Page 41 of Love and Order

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“You do?” She was gobsmacked. No one had ever made her feel so desirable before. Finn was so open with what he wanted, and his words pushed the need she had for him to the surface.

Before he could respond, their waitress appeared with plates piled high: corn dogs, sliders, fries, milk, and a bowl of brussels sprouts. Then she was gone.

“Why the brussels sprouts?”

“We’re going to relieve some childhood rites of passage, one of which is having to eat your vegetables.”

Laughing, she took a small sip of her huge milk. Her cheeks ached from smiling so much, and she couldn’t think of anyone else in her life who ever knew what she needed before she did.

“I like you, too, but I have no idea how to be in a real relationship. I don’t even know what that is.”

Finn nodded.

“We start with honesty and getting to know each other, more kissing, and then we’ll see. If you eat your lunch, I’ll take you to my favorite place ever since I was a kid.”

She picked up the stick with the crispy corn dog and took a big bite.

“I can do that,” she said as she chewed.

During lunch and their drive, Finn carried the conversation while taking advantage of every chance to touch her. It was a gesture of familiarity and comfort. Their dynamic had shifted—the farther they got out of the city, the more relaxed she became. City streets were a far cry from the lush tree-lined two-lane state road they traveled.

“Almost there,” Finn said, breaking through her thoughts.

She watched outside the window as he took a right turn down a more narrow road with bushes crowding the path. A few homes were visible in the trees until the view opened up to reveal a big lake. Greenish-blue crests of the water sparkled in the late afternoon sun.

“Where are we?”

“Lake Anna. My grandfather built a cabin out here in the sixties. Ever since I was a kid, my family’s been coming here every chance we got during the summer and holidays.”

Riveted, she watched the idyllic, huge, mirrored lake through the window as Finn drove along the windy road. The water was surrounded by majestic tall trees and lush thick grass.

“Every summer?”

“For a few weeks when my parents could take the time off at least.”

“No wonder you’re a SEAL. I can barely tread water.”

“Oh, well you’re in luck because I can teach you. You’d be surprised how many kids who can’t swim join the Navy.”

She whipped her head around to find him smiling before he pulled the car off the main road and parked in a stone driveway under the shade of more trees.

“So we’re not going back to the office today?” she asked.

“Not unless you want to.”

“Nope.” She surprised herself by replying without hesitation.

Across the lawn, a well-used deck jutted out to the water. Beyond that was an island platform bobbing in the gentle waves. The home was framed by a white picket fence, white shutters on a gray cabin, with a friendly red door.

“This looks nicer than a cabin.”

Finn laughed and unbuckled his belt.

“My folks upgraded over time, and then a few years ago, when my dad retired, the big remodel happened. He calls it the posh cabin now—my mom calls it their oasis.”

“Oasis looks about right. I think it’d be hard to go back to the city if you knew you had this waiting for you.”

“Come on.” He opened his door and got out.
