Page 45 of Love and Order

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She followed his lead and was content to let her guard down completely. She listened, and by the end of the hour, they swam, or doggy paddled to the diving platform farther out in the lake. He stayed next to her the entire way.

When she made it to the side, she was out of breath, and her limbs were like Jell-O.

“You’re a fast learner,” Finn said.

“I don’t like failure.”

“No kidding.” He laughed. “I wouldn’t have guessed that about you.”

She splashed water at him and rested her head on the side of the platform.

“Watch how to hoist yourself out and be careful of the edge.”

In one graceful movement, he pulled himself up and out of the water. The muscles on his back flexed, and his biceps bulged into thick balls while each sinewy line of his forearms stood at attention. His body was a piece of art.

She fell back into the water on her first attempt but got the motion of propelling herself up and made it out of the water before collapsing on the wood planks with her legs still hanging over on one side. Her chest heaved with the expulsion of the rest of her energy.

His boyish smile made her heart skip a beat, and he rewarded her with a kiss as he leaned over her. Before she knew it, he had her panting and clawing at his back. In one swift move, she flipped him onto his back and straddled him, her new favorite position.

“Okay, clearly you have more hidden talents to share,” he said, pulling down the straps of her suit before placing his mouth over her chilled skin.

Her need for him mounted as she rocked over his hard desire clearly defined in his wet trunks. With assured speed, he pushed down his trunks and pulled her bathing suit bottom to the side before joining their bodies ever so slowly. They both let out a cry of pure animalistic satisfaction. His mouth was on her throat, and he propped himself up using one hand to support him and the other behind her back.

“I can’t get enough,” he breathed. “I want to be closer to you, I want all of you.”

His words were like a medicine she didn’t know she needed. He was awakening a part of her she didn’t recognize. Their bodies moved with a familiarity of each other. With her arms looped around his shoulders, she continued to rock slowly, savoring him, shivering from the sensations swirling over her. Both his arms wrapped around her back now, cradling her neck and pulling her shoulders down in rhythm with his hips. His kisses were languid and sweet, and she didn’t realize she was crying until his thumb wiped at her cheek. The sun had almost set, and the pinks and reds cast just enough light for her to see the question in his eyes. But she silenced him with a kiss because she didn’t have an answer. She didn’t know what was happening between them, and she wasn’t ready to figure it out.

Maybe sex with Finn was making her fall apart, but it was too late to worry about it now.

When she exploded into a million pieces on his lap, he held her and drew out her orgasm before finding his own. She shivered against a cool breeze on her back, and he finally spoke into the dark.

“I think we just flew past getting to know each other.”

Afraid to say anything, she leaned back and pulled up her bathing suit straps before standing. Adjusting his trunks, he stood and took both her hands in his.

“For the record, I want to be more than your colleague or your competition,” Finn said, “in case there is any doubt on where I stand.”

For the first time, he was shy and hesitant with his words, as if he had no idea he already owned her body. Maybe more.

“Okay, but that doesn’t change that we are colleagues and in competition for a partnership.”

His hand moved up her neck, and she thought he was going to say he didn’t care about the partnership and he only wanted her, but he didn’t. Instead, he smiled but it didn’t meet his eyes.

“After we win this case next week, the partners will have to decide on the junior partnership. Then you won’t have any excuses and nowhere to hide from this connection between us.”

“Who is hiding? I just straddled you outside and screamed your name.”

“You know what I mean,” he said and patted her bottom.

“Finn, if I get selected for partner, I can’t be sleeping with one of the rookie’s I’m managing. And if I don’t get partner, I’m not staying with the firm.”

“You’re going to quit if you don’t win?”

She gulped. “Everyone knows if you don’t get partner by year five, it means you’re not the right fit at Baxter and Stewart.”

“It’s not going to matter because they would be fools not to select you. And lately, I’ve been considering a move anyway.”

“You have?”
