Page 3 of Everybody Knows

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My skin prickled as Jason reached for the chair beside me, and I had no choice but to look up. It would have been rude if I’d kept my head buried in the menu.

“All right, Luce?” Jason asked.

Oh, man, the flutters in my stomach multiplied as I raised my head and took in the stubble on his chin and his scruffy/sexy T-shirt and ripped jeans. My mouth dried, but I swallowed hard and said, “Hey, Jason. Glad you made it.”

He grinned. “I never miss dessert.”

I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smirking. I was sure he hadn’t meant any innuendo, but with the way he made me feel, I couldn’t help wondering what his idea ofdessertinvolved. Nerves mingled with my imagination, and I had to look away before I spontaneously combusted, missing my one chance to go on tour with my favorite band.

Maybe going on the tourwasthe wrong thing to do. Maybe it would result in my heart being crushed into a million pieces. But I knew I could get through it by shifting my focus to the opportunity of traveling almost for free and not on impossible daydreams.

This was the chance of a lifetime, and I intended to embrace every second, regardless of my adolescent feelings for the boy next door.


Gigantic Steely Balls

On my last night in the UK, I spent the night at Ellie and Drew’s place. I couldn’t stand another moment of overprotective parenting, so I said goodbye to my mother and father after dinner.

When I woke, the excitement in my gut took on a whole new level as the realization that I was about to head to Paris with the band set in. There was no way I could have breakfast or even my morning coffee since I was sure it would have ended up down the toilet and that would be a waste of good coffee.

After hopping out of bed and getting dressed, I went to the kitchen and found Ellie and Drew eating a full English breakfast. I rested my hand on my stomach. The smell of fried eggs and bacon made me gag. Normally, I’d have pulled up a chair and awaited my share, but there was no way I could handle it.

“Morning,” Ellie said, standing up and heading for the grill. “Bacon? Eggs? Hash browns? Mushrooms?”

She was acting like the owner of a B&B, and I laughed at her enthusiasm. “Nothing for me, thanks.” I took a seat at the table. “Maybe in a little while, but right now, I can’t.”

“You okay?” Drew asked, picking up a piece of toast and buttering it.

I nodded. “Just nervous, I think. I’ll be fine. What time did you say we’re leaving?”

“Not until half past nine. The train is at ten, and the plane to Paris isn’t until five thirty.”

It was only six thirty. Plenty of time to calm myself, shower, and recheck my suitcases. Actually, it was best not to do that. Otherwise, all of Ellie’s hard work would be ruined.

“Okay.” I blew out a breath. “Sounds good.”

Ellie rejoined us at the table. “You sure you’re okay, Luce?”

“Ellie, come on.” I groaned. “Not you too. I stayed here to avoid this worrying crap. Please don’t be like Mum and Dad.”

“That’s not what I was doing. I’m your sister. You’re allowed to be more honest with me, knowing I won’t try to change your mind. Unless… you’ve changed your mind?”

“I haven’t. I’m just now realizing how huge this is. Well, sort of. I knew it was huge, but now the day has arrived, and it feels different. Real.”

“It’s still strange for us too,” Drew said. “Being on tour, traveling, meeting new people. But once you get out there, you get caught up in the moment, and it’s fun. Tiring, but fun.”

A smile began to spread across my lips. I’d been on the band’s previous tour bus, and it was like a very compact home, filled with as many luxuries as could fit in an upgraded coach. There were books to read and a television to watch, and I was sure I’d seen some kind of gaming console in there. For my own entertainment, I had my iPad, laptop, and several notebooks and pens.

Memories faded, and I wanted every single one captured so I could remember even the tiniest details. I also had my camera to take snapshots to go alongside my journal entries. I recalled Drew pointing out that we wouldn’t see much of most of the places we’d visit, but I had vowed to do my best to capture as much as possible.

Blowing out another breath, I reached for a slice of toast, not bothering to butter it. I didn’t want to push my stomach too hard until I was sure I could handle it.

We sat in silence until Drew finished his breakfast, then he left the table for a shower. The atmosphere shifted in an instant as Ellie watched me across the table, her blue eyes wide with concern.

“Is this the part where you give me the big sister talk?” I raised my eyebrows.

She nodded, her dark hair falling in front of her face a little. “Yeah. As much as I want to be the cool sibling who lets you go without saying anything, I don’t think I can.”
