Page 43 of Everybody Knows

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I knew I couldn’t stay out of the house forever, though. I needed to go home and face my parents sometime, plus I knew Jason would call that evening when he arrived in New York. I didn’t want to risk any chance of strangers overhearing our conversation.

My parents greeted me with small, somewhat distant smiles, which only irked me more since they were the ones pushing me away. More than anything, I wanted to be able to talk to them, to have a real conversation about the things that had happened, but I knew it was impossible because, like Ellie, they had already formed opinions and wanted me as far away from Jason as possible.

Instead of joining them for a family dinner, I went back to my room and flung myself on my bed. I took my phone from my jeans pocket, ignoring the new round of tweets I’d been sent that day, and began scrolling through the photos I’d taken while I’d been on tour. Smiling fondly at the selfie Jason and I took before I left Prague, I set it as my phone’s background, then stared at it for a moment.

Obviously, it wasn’t the first time I’d stared at a photo of Jason and me. In fact, I’d done it an almost embarrassing number of times, but this one was a lot different. Although we were sad to be going our separate ways for a while, there was an enormous amount of happiness and something resembling hope in our eyes. I knew I’d felt it, but I hadn’t known Jason felt the exact same way. Or at least that was how it seemed.

I almost dropped the phone when it began to ring, and Jason’s name flashed on my screen. My heart sped up at the thought of hearing his voice, and I swiped the screen, holding the phone to my ear.


“Hi, Luce. God, I’ve missed you today.”

No words could have made me happier.

“I’ve missed you too. How’s New York?”

“It’s… hectic. Getting from the airport to the hotel was crazy, but I’ve just checked in, then called you. I haven’t done anything else yet.”

A ripple of joy was followed by a huge pang of disappointment that I wasn’t there with him. New York was supposed to be the highlight of the tour, and I’d wanted to see everything. The things I’d seen on television and maybe discover some hidden gems too. Then perhaps some time alone together in a hotel room where we could kiss, and hopefully a hell of a lot more. My stomach fluttered at the thought of him touching me, and I clenched my thighs together.

“I know, Luce.” Jason read my silence perfectly. “I wish you were here.”

From zero to horny in around three seconds?This was new. What if I was there? Would he have kissed me the way he’d kissed me the day before?

Maybe he’d have allowed his hands to push farther underneath my top and taken it off. Unclipped my bra.

“Me too,” I choked out, hoping he couldn’t hear my mood through my voice.

Jason’s deep chuckle down the line caused goose bumps to sprinkle across my skin. “Are you okay?”

I swiped my hand across my forehead and shuffled further up the bed, trying to get a grip on my thoughts. “I… yeah, I’m… no.”

When he laughed again, I knew he’d heard what I was thinking, and my cheeks flushed. Thank God he hadn’t video-called me.

Ooh, video calls. That could be a whole new level of fun.

“We should change the subject,” he said, his own voice suddenly sounding slightly strained.


“We’ll have plenty of time for that when I come home. Well, eventually. We’re taking it slow, remember?”

“I remember. But… talking to you and being with you makes me forget sometimes,” I admitted.

“It’s not easy for me either. You’re amazing, and I can’t wait to be alone with you so we can…”

“Start taking things slowly?” I teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Jason chuckled. “Yes.”

The idea of being alone with him, really alone, made my blood fizz in my veins. But he was right, we had to change the subject.

“So…” I began, “… what do you have planned for tomorrow?”

“Sleep mostly. Then probably sightseeing with the guys. I’m allowed to be seen outside now, but we’ve got extra security until things cool down a bit.”

“How have the fans been since I left?”
