Page 27 of Our Bender

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“Do you understand?” she asked with raised eyebrows.

And I’ll admit it, those words pushed me over the edge. My self-control over listening to authority snapped. “Just so you know, Miss Josie, I’m not some irresponsible asshole.” I rubbed a hand over my eyes. She was making me nervous and the swear words just kept popping out of my damn mouth.

Her hands landed on her hips as accusation slid into those hazel eyes of hers. “I never said that you were. I am upset that you said the word ‘fuck,’ in front of children.”

Fuck.Now that I knew how the word “fuck” sounded coming from her lips, it spurred on a whole bunch of other imagery in my brain, only adding to my frustration.

“Now, do we understand?” She nodded while she said it, urging me to say yes.

I breathed through my nose, trying to regain control of my emotions. “Is that some kind of teacher trick?”

She snorted and crossed her arms over her chest, and dammit all to hell because that sassy look on her face made me like her even more.

“Do we understand?” she repeated.

I swallowed. I guess now wasn’t the time to argue. I nodded quickly. “I’ll apologize to the kids and explain why they aren’t allowed to say it.” I racked a hand through my hair. “Sorry… uh… thank you for uh…”Why the fuck was I thanking her? Get it together, dude,I warned myself.

She looked like she was debating whether or not I should be trusted to speak to the kids again. “Okay,” she finally said, letting out a deep breath.

I moved to head back in the classroom, but her voice stopped me. “Was there something else going on?” She squinted up at me curiously, and I felt hot under her gaze.

I shrugged, but my face was burning. “No.”

“Because, if you need-”

I gave her a tight smile, but my heart was sinking. She could tell. She knew I struggled. I needed to forget about her and put her far,faraway from me so I’d never be reminded of my shortcomings… which was a shame. I hadn’t felt like this about anyone in such a long time, maybe even ever. “I don’t need anything,” I told her simply.

“Okay, well-”

“I’m good,” I assured her with a flat smile.

She gave a firm nod, all business again, and directed me back into the classroom.

8. Josie

“Mrs. Petey, I cannotbelieveyou didn’t invite us to meet the Crewmen, what the heck? I thought we were your favorite! Basically slashed in the ankles and took us out, bruh!” a kid named Davey yelled out.

The rest of the boys in his crew sitting in the back of the room roared the same complaints: “Slashed our hearts, Petey!” “Disrespectful!” “Five-minute major for you!” “Can’t believe you did us boys like that!”

I shook my head at them and snorted. “Petey? Bruh? Mrs? How about Ms. Petersen?”

“She’s trying to change the subject, boys!” Johnny yelled. “Don’t let her!”

I struggled to keep a straight face… which was part of the problem. When they made me laugh, they tallied it as a success in their brains and wanted to keep it going.

I knew from the very first day of school that this hour, my last hour of the day, would be tough considering the fact that most of the boys came in wearing those little hockey team windbreaker jackets. Hockey boys were trouble on their own, but together? It was a shitshow… or “gongshow” as they liked to call it. I swear, they competed to get the last word every two seconds and it was their mission in life to get me off topic.

I glanced up at the clock. I just had to keep them occupied for five more minutes.

“What’s everyone doing over the break-”

“Tourney with the boys!” one of them shouted out.

I gave a stern look. “We’re going in order. Calm yourselves.”

I could feel the boys literally itching to tell me about their plans as I asked some of the kids sitting in the front to speak first.

As soon as the bell went off, my kids cheered loudly and ran out in the hall. I sat back in my chair and closed my eyes, not wanting to move or talk for the rest of the day, but knowing that I had to get going.
