Page 17 of Single Stroke

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He patted her shoulder again. “Yes, that long.”

“Healer Esillon, you dare touch the general’s mate?” a deep voice hissed from the doorway of the medical bay.

The healer looked at the guard whose crest was pinned flat against his scalp. The male’s arm muscles bulged as though he restrained himself from attacking.

In a lofty tone, the healer explained, “Humans prize physical contact. I meant no impropriety, and Nurse Louella understands that.”

“But does General Yas’kihn understand that?” the guard muttered.

The healer did not deign to answer. Instead he nodded at Louella and said, “Go with him. He will keep you safe.”

She sighed and nodded her capitulation. “All right, although I don’t know why I’d be in danger on this ship.”

“Nurse Louella, do not complain. This has already been explained to you, and you are too intelligent to misunderstand the dangers aboard a warship overwhelmed with refugees of many species,” the healer gently rebuked her.

Louella’s cheeks burned with the heat of embarrassment, and she hoped neither the healer nor the guard discerned the flush spreading across her face and neck. Affecting a cordial smile, she looked at the guard and said, “Shall we go, then?”

The guard stepped backward to allow her to pass and raised an arm to direct her. He did not speak to her or touch her as they walked back to the general superior’s quarters. Louella forced herself to maintain a brisk pace to match her escort’s and not allow her feet to lag. She sighed with relief and sat on the only chair in the general’s room as soon as the door slid closed behind her. She leaned her head back and stretched her arms and legs outward. After slowly lowering her limbs, she let loose a deep sigh and closed her eyes.

“I’ll just rest a moment,” she murmured to herself.

Instead, she drifted off to sleep and did not hear the quiet slide of the door opening to let Yas’kihn into the room. He entered with his usual predatory stealth, his eyes narrowing when he spied his exhausted mate gently snoring in the chair. More than a little annoyed that the healer had allowed his mate to reach such a state of weariness, he forced himself to calm as he summoned delivery of a meal.

A robot arrived shortly thereafter bearing a tray. Yas’kihn accepted the tray and set it aside, trying to decide which his mate needed more: food or rest. Loath to wake her, he gently wedged his arms under her. Louella snuffled and murmured, shifting at the disturbance, but did not awaken. He cradled her against his chest a moment, letting his low, rumbling purr soothe her back to restful slumber. When her breathing slowed and deepened again, he moved, walking with smooth, gliding steps to the bed where he gently laid her. She muttered incoherently again and squirmed before settling once more into restful sleep.

Yas’kihn drew a blanket over her and crouched beside the bed to keep a watchful eye on his mate. He marveled at her beauty when her features relaxed, peaceful rather than wary. Her closely shorn hair beckoned to be stroked, but he clenched his hands, his claws digging into his palms as he resisted the urge. She had not invited such intimacy from him.

He reflected upon his first meeting with Commander Sarus mek Orsai’To, Colonel Horas mek Ul’Sinha, and their mate, Lady Evangeline Antonia Donal. He frowned at the recollection of his questions to them now that he understood their protectiveness and possessiveness. But still he wondered:Could a delicate human female such as Louella accommodate both my primary and lesser cocks?He wanted to find out, to see her welcome him without the aphrodisiac of his mating venom.

While he watched Louella sleep, the food and beverages on the tray turned tepid. A droid arrived to remove the tray without the contents having been sampled.


Louella had no idea how long she’d slept, but she was ravenous when she awakened. Yawning and stretching, she rose from the bed and took care of her personal needs. She found another of Yas’kihn’s shirts—not that she ever saw him wear them—and pulled it on, dropping the soiled shirt into a laundry receptacle. At least, she hoped it was a laundry receptacle. She placed her palm against the lighted panel.

“How may I serve you, Nurse Louella?” the ship’s computer inquired.

“What time is it?” she asked before realizing that Eastern Standard Time meant nothing in outer space. Before the ship could ask for clarification or ask that she specify a time zone, Louella said, “Forget that question. May I have something to eat, please?”

“General Superior Yas’kihn ordered a meal delivered to you upon your awakening,” the ship replied. “Your meal is being delivered now.”

As the ship spoke, the door slid open and a droid entered bearing a tray.

“Thank you,” Louella said, remembering her manners, even if she was talking to a machine.

The mechanical spider set the tray on the small table and departed. Louella sat down to eat, trying those foodstuffs she did not recognize and acknowledging as she did so that either the general superior or the ship endeavored to ensure everything brought to her to eat was safe for human consumption.How thoughtful.

With her belly soon sated, she placed her hand on the panel again.

“How may I serve you, Nurse Louella?”

“Please inform Healer Esillon that I’m ready to return to work.”

“Acknowledged.” A moment passed before the computer spoke again. “Healer Esillon forbids you access to the medical bay.”

“But I feel all right,” Louella protested.

The computer ignored her. Louella looked around at the dreary room with its lack of color or personality.
