Page 102 of Prince of Sin

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"Jesus Christ, Consty," I mutter under my breath. Crucifixion. That's some twisted shit, even for him. But I don't voice my concern; I know better than to question Constantino when he's in this state. And besides, Carmine and Enzo had me torture Raven, so maybe they deserve whatever sick fate my brother has planned for them.

"Keep your head in the game, Teddy," Constantino snaps as the sound of the hammer striking the spike rings out within the cathedral. The sharp, metallic scent of blood fills my nostrils as the spike pierces Carmine's lifeless hand, securing him to the cross.

Finishing up with Carmine, we move onto Enzo's body, repeating the gruesome process, but on the other cross. My stomach churns, but I force myself to keep focused, to block out the reality of what I'm doing.

Once both bodies are crucified, Constantino pulls two slips of paper from his pocket and pins one to each man's shirt. He steps back, allowing me to finally read the words printed on them: "Traitor" in bold black ink.

"Con, this is going to start a war with the Irish," I tell him, trying to keep my voice steady despite the sinking feeling in my gut.

His lips curl into a sinister smirk. "I know."


I'm sitting in father's office again, that same dim room with the smell of stale cigarette smoke. It's like I'm trapped in some goddamn film noir. The only thing missing is a sultry femme fatale. But instead of some sexy broad in a tight red dress, I've got my brother glaring at me from behind father's giant desk.

"Alright," Consty says, finally turning to face me. "Let's do it. Let's have it out because your attitude about this whole thing is pissing me off."

I clench my jaw, feeling the anger simmer inside me. "What do you expect from me?" I ask him. "To go around acting like everything's okay when the woman I love is gone?"

Constantino rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Go on, Teddy. Just get it all out."

"Did you know her parents locked her in a dog cage when she was a kid? Yeah, that's right. A fucking dog cage. How the hell did you miss that when you were dating her?"

Constantino leans back in his chair, looking both shocked and annoyed. "How the fuck should I know? I can't be expected to know every detail about every woman I've ever been with."

"Details? This isn't some minor shit, Consty." I can't help but think of how beautiful and broken Raven was when she showed up at our doorstep. "She came to the mansion looking for you, but I found her first. I helped her clean up her parents' murder. And yes, we spent that night together at the hotel, but she ran away from me the next morning. I didn't see her again until she caught me cleaning up that mess at the church."

"Jesus Christ," Constantino mutters, rubbing his temples. "This is one fucked up situation."

"You think?" I roll my eyes. "But you know what? Raven's been through hell and back, and she still manages to keep going."

Constantino stares at me for a moment, his eyes cold and calculating. I can practically see the gears turning in his head as he considers my words. But I don't care what he thinks. I'm done hiding. I'm done pretending that everything's fine when it's all falling apart around me.

"Raven deserves better," I say quietly, my voice raw with emotion. "Look, Consty," I say, struggling to get the words out. "After she left me at that damn hotel, Raven got herself into some serious shit. She was hitchhiking all over the country, and you can only imagine what kind of people she met along the way." I feel my stomach churn as I recall the things she told me about her time on the road. "She was raped, abused... it's a miracle she's even alive. But somehow, she found that church and they took her in."

"Teddy, listen to yourself. She's damaged goods. A liability. We got bigger fish to fry right now – like getting our legacy back. You need to let her go."

He takes a sip from his glass and continues, "Besides, there's no shortage of pussy out there. It's all the same in the end. Just a hole to shove your dick in and out of." His green eyes narrow as he smirks, reveling in his own crude words.

"Take last week, for example," he says, leaning forward again. "I saw this chick at the gas station? Tight little body, tits that could barely fit in my hands. Fucked her brains out in the bathroom." He pauses, a twisted smile curling on his lips. "And then later that night, I fucked her friend too. Am I ever going to see either of them again? No. Do I even know their names? No. Did I shove my dick into them and make them scream, yes."

"I've had my fair share of bathroom fucks, Consty," I say rolling my eyes at him. "But, that's not what this is about. This is Raven. She's not some disposable piece of ass."

"They're all disposable pieces of ass, Teddy," Constantino says, grabbing a cigar from the drawer and lighting it.

"Well, not to me," I reply. "You don't have to care about her. But I do. And I'm not giving up on her, no matter what you say."

"Suit yourself," he scoffs, puffing on his cigar. "But don't come crying to me when this all blows up in your face."

The room goes silent for a moment, the tension between us thick enough to choke on. I stare at my brother, my heart pounding in my chest. The man's arrogance is infuriating, but I refuse to let him get to me. Instead, I focus on what matters most: Raven.

"Look," I say, my voice surprisingly steady despite the anger simmering just below the surface. "I can't just move on. I've made up my mind. I'm going to visit Raven at the convent and try to talk to her."

Constantino snorts, finishing off his drink and slamming the glass onto the table. "You're wasting your time, Teddy. She's long gone – hidden away behind those walls, praying for forgiveness or some shit. She's chosen her path, and it doesn't include you."

My jaw clenches, but I force myself to stay calm. "Maybe she just needs someone to remind her that there's more to life than hiding from the past. Someone who cares about her."

"Whatever, man," he mutters, shaking his head. "It's your life. Go chase after that lost cause if you want."

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