Page 82 of Prince of Sin

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"No, I don't," he replies, a hint of sadness in his voice. "I've seen too much cruelty in this world to believe that there could be a God. And if there is one, if I'm wrong, I wouldn't want anything to do with an omnipotent being that allows such things to happen."

"Isn't that the cost of free will?" I counter.

Teddy smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Seems like a pretty shitty thing to do for eating one piece of fruit. To condemn the entire human race to cruelty and atrocities just because a talking snake, who God put there by the way, asked us to eat an apple."

I can't help but chuckle at his blunt summary of the biblical story. I've never really thought about it that way before, but now that he mentions it, it does seem a bit absurd.

"Y'know, I never really thought about it that way," I admit to Teddy, feeling my cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

"Hey, it's okay," he reassures me, his voice gentle. "You're emotionally vulnerable right now, and that's completely normal. Don't feel like you have to make any decisions just yet."

I look into his eyes, searching for a hint of judgment or impatience, but all I see is warmth and understanding. "So, what happens now?" I ask, my voice barely audible over the sound of the rain.

Teddy smiles softly, pulling me closer. “We snuggle, duh.”

I go to open my mouth, but he stops me with a gentle “shh.” He wraps his arms around me, The steady beat of his heart against my back soothes me, and I relax into him.

We sit in silence as I contemplate my beliefs and what they mean to me.

As Teddy's arms tighten around me, I realize that even though I may not know what I believe right now, I know one thing for certain: I trust him. And maybe that's enough.

"Ever since I left you, I've had nightmares when I slept," I confess, swallowing the lump in my throat. "It's like my past won't leave me alone, even in my dreams."

"Raven," he says, squeezing me tighter, "I'll sleep next to you tonight, and every night if you want me to. I'll fight off those nightmares for you, I promise."

Hearing him say that, the tension in my body begins to dissipate. As I start drifting off, Teddy begins reciting lines from the poem 'The Raven.' His voice, deep and melodic, lulls me further into slumber.

"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary..."

The familiar words wrap around me like a comforting blanket, and I fall into a dreamless sleep.


The weight of Raven's body against my chest is delicate yet heavy with emotion. Her breathing – the rise and fall of her chest – feels like a symphony, so peaceful in this chaos. I tuck her into the passenger seat, wrapped in the softest damn blanket I could find in the warehouse. It seems as if I'm always wrapping her in blankets and putting her into my car. Funny how things turn out.

I plant a gentle kiss on her forehead before closing the door. The engine purrs to life as I start the car, driving away from the warehouse.

My thoughts drift to that conversation with Primo earlier. The Irish bastards want a ridiculous sum or one of us to marry into their clan. As if I'd ever let them take over what my family built. I may not be interested in the business, but that doesn't mean I don't feel a sense of loyalty to my family.

And marrying someone else? Hell no. Raven's the only one who's ever made me feel anything real.

But would she even consider something like that with me? It seems impossible, like some sick joke life is playing on me. But miracles don't exist, not for people like us.

Cruising down the empty streets, I pass just one lonely car before pulling up to the mansion. The sky's starting to lighten – dawn ain't far off. As I step inside, cradling Raven in my arms, Carmine and Enzo stand there, looking like they're about to burst a vein.

"Leaving the fundraiser early, Teddy?" Enzo spits out, his bushy eyebrows furrowed.

"Shut it," I hiss, nodding at the sleeping woman in my arms. "I don't want you waking her."

Carmine scoffs. "Couldn't give a shit about waking the little nuisance."

My blood boils, but I keep my cool. For Raven. "What the hell are you two even doing here? This is my home, not your personal hangout."

"Maybe if you ran things right," Carmine sneers, "we wouldn't have to babysit you all the damn time."

"Get out." The words are ice as I stare them down.

Raven stirs in my arms, her hazel eyes fluttering open. "What's going on?"
