Page 22 of He Saved Me

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I can’t breathe.

I need to get out of here.

Without acknowledging Tia’s asking me where I’m going, I abandon my lunch and bolt out of the room.

Chapter 13- Donovan

Ithought things between Shorty and I were headed in the right direction, but I was so fucking wrong. Shorty was pushing me away again. My girl was driving me to the brink of insanity, wanting to protect me from what? The fuck if I knew anymore.

I am getting impatient, annoyed, frustrated, and pissed off. Mixing all these ingredients is a recipe for disaster. So, I do what I do best to contain my fury—I work out until my muscles burn, I run until I pass out, and I….

“FUCK!” I roar, ripping the punching bag from the ceiling.

I get high off the adrenaline, forgetting everyone and everything around me. Whenever I’m around Shorty, her presence calms the warrior in me ready to battle another war.

I shut my eyes and see Shorty’s beautiful face smiling while she danced in the rain.

But then like a projector, the images changes to her lying on the floor soaked in her own blood.

If I had the power to revive him from the dead, only to kill him again. I would grab him by the throat and punch his face until it is no longer recognizable.

A punch for her pain.

Her agonizing cries.

Her cuts and bruises.

Her heartache.

Her grief.

Her sadness.

The damn red door.

I punch all those feelings with all my strength to remove the torture she keeps imprisoned in her mind.

“Yo, yo! Fuck, D!” Ash’s voice forcefully pulls me back from my murderous thoughts.

“Shit! D, calm down!” he shouts over “Sabotage” by Beastie Boys blasting through the overhead speakers.

I push him off, and stalk toward the sink to wash the blood off my knuckles. The pain surging through my hand doesn’t stop the agony ripping through my heart. Ash turns the music off as I wrap my knuckles. I turn around and lean against the sink, keeping my head down.

“What’s going on with you, D?” Ash says in a quiet tone.

What’s going on? Let’s see…my best friend was supposedly dead and then we found each other eight years later. Regret consumes me knowing the hell she never escaped from. Her brother is missing, and I’m fucking pissed that my girl is pushing me away! That’s what’s wrong.

“Nothing,” I lie.

Ash lightly kicks the bag on the floor. “Really?”
