Page 130 of A Second Chance

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When the cries and knocking stop, I hear his little feet scamper away, and my heart settles. Cole will never find my son. I made sure of it.

Cole turns to me with the sharp razor and grabs my wrist. "Let's make sure this one count," he says with a sneer, and drags the razor across my left wrist, and then moves to the right.

My heart rate slows down.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

My eyes feel sleepy.

Thump. Thump.


Darkness washes over me.



As soon as the news broke about Scar, I quickly went to the airport and boarded my private jet, eager to return home.

To my Tinkerbell.

Why didn't she say anything?

Did she think I would think less of her?

The moment I heard the news, my chest tightened, and my heart felt like it had been smashed into a million tiny shards. It was as if the ground I stood on had been yanked away, leaving me in complete and utter despair.

The flight was smooth, and I spent most of it staring out of the window, watching as the world passed by beneath me. I sent a few text messages to Scar, hoping for a response. However, I was met with silence. Suddenly, the shrill ring of my phone broke the peaceful silence.

"Yeah," I rasp.

"Maverick, where are you?" Sam, my agent, says in a soft tone.

I inhale a shaky breath and say the words that burn my mouth. “Home. I have to see Scar. She was...” I could barely get the words out. “Scar was raped, Sam.”

Sam doesn’t say anything, so I continue tearing my heart apart.

“That night, I told her I was busy and hung up on her. I fucking hung up on her when she needed me.” Gem's words suddenly clicked into place, and I finally understood what she had been trying to tell me all along.

It wasn't until later that I realized the gravity of what I had done. Scar had needed me, and I had abandoned her when she needed me the most.

“You couldn’t have known,” Sam starts to say, but I stop her. I don’t need or want her pity. I want to feel the pain Scar felt. I deserve to have the fires of hell burn me until nothing is left.

“I didn’t even know she called because of Skylar.”


The crux of my existence. The woman is like an infection that seeps into your bloodstream and kills you from the inside out.

“God, Mav. I’m so sorry.” She sighs loudly.

“Sam, I need you to look into Skylar and get as much information as you can.”

“Skylar? What does she have to do with it?”

As soon as Skye heard the news about Scar, a feeling of unease settled in the pit of my stomach. "Skylar's reaction seemed unusual. She didn't display any signs of shock or remorse," I explain.
