Page 131 of A Second Chance

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The thought that Skylar might have had something to do with it crossed my mind, particularly given how poorly she treated Scar in the past.

Sensing my concerns, Sam says, "I will do everything I can to gather information and report back to you as soon as possible."

* * *

When my flight landed, I rushed out of the airport and drove straight to Scar's mom's house. I sent several texts to Scar, but she never returned one of my calls. After discovering what happened to her, I just wanted to hold her.

When her house comes into view, I can finally relax, but anxiety is coursing through my veins. Jumping out of my seat, I slam the door behind me and powerwalk up the steps. The house is dark when I reach the front door. She's probably asleep since it's past eleven. I go to the back, ready to climb up to her window, but freeze when I notice the back door is cracked open.

What the hell?

I glance around the area, making sure there isn't anyone lurking. I trek up the steps and push the door open. Fear claws its way through me. Nothing seems out of place as I go through the kitchen, but I'm still cautious. When I reach the hallway, I tread up the stairs until I reach Scar's bedroom. As soon as I step in, my body turns cold, and the blood in my veins freezes. There's blood on her carpet. I look behind the door, under the bed, and in the closet. Lastly, I open the bathroom door, and my heart plumets to my feet.

"Scar?" I rasp.

Cole stands over Scar who is pale and slumped against the wall. Blood pours out of her wrists, soaking the tile floors.


"I'm going to fucking kill you!" I bellow furiously, charging towards him with a vice-like grip on the collar of his shirt, forcefully yanking him out of the bathroom. I slam him into the wall, delivering raging blows to his face and stomach until he crumbles onto the ground. I relentlessly give one blow after another until he's left senseless on the ground.

My heart pounding in my chest, I run back to the bathroom. "Baby?" I crouch before Scar and brush her hair away from her sweaty forehead. I sigh in relief when I feel a faint pulse. Quickly, I grab the towels on the rack and wrap her wrists tightly to stop the bleeding. Wanting her out of the bathroom, I lift her dead weight into my arms, walk her out of the bedroom, and lay her on the carpet.

I cry as I hold her. "Please, Seth. Don't take her from me. I'm begging you."

* * *

Two miserable days.

Two days since Scar hasn’t woken up.

I sit by her bed, holding her hand, begging her to return to me. The blood still seeps through the bandages wrapped around her wrists. That fucker tried to kill her the same way she tried to take her own life. The bastard wanted her to suffer.

I almost lost heragain.

If I had gotten to her a few minutes later, I would have been burying my best friend instead of pleading with her to fight. When I walked into her bathroom, seeing her lying in her blood brought me back to the past. As soon as we left the house, I threw up. Seeing her that way—having that image burned in my brain— made me sick.

Mom said they found Shaun hiding in Seth’s closet, the place that held Scar’s secret painting room. When Scar was little, she would hide and paint the way she saw the world. It was Seth’s way of giving her a space to express her emotions behind closed doors when her paintings became dark and disturbing. When Scar told Shaun to paint her a picture, that was code to hide.

The door to Scar's room cracks open, and I turn just as Derick's face comes into view. Just like me, Scar's parents haven't left her side.

He walks into the room with two Starbucks coffees. Derick looks as dead as I feel. He’s worn the same clothes for two days, and has droopy eyelids, red eyes, dark circles under his eyes, and messy hair.

"Thanks," I say, taking the coffee he hands me.

"No change?" he rasps.

I shake my head.

He sucks in a breath as if trying to control his emotions. When I called Scar's parents, Derick burst through the doors, demanding to see his daughter. He was as broken as he was the last time we were here. Scar's mom was keeping herself together for Shaun’s sake. But don't think I didn't hear her sob whenever she stepped out of the room.

My mom and Gem have been taking turns looking after Shaun.

After taking a sip of his coffee, Derick breaks the silence. "Cole was arrested." He swallows a gulp as he stares at Scar's lifeless-looking body on the bed. "He tried to..." A sob tears from his throat. "He tried to kill my baby." Derick cries, sets the coffee on the table, and grips the back of the bed to keep himself from falling.

I can't help but let my tears fall as I realize that Scar was close to death. She died for three minutes while the paramedics tried to bring her back to life.

And I think I have Seth to thank for bringing her back to me.
