Page 30 of Dark Fire

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“For one thing, she doesn’t make pot roast. Delaney makes the best chicken pot pie, fettuccine alfredo, and meatloaf and smashed potatoes, but that is her complete repertoire.”

“That’s not true,” called Delaney. “I make a really good tuna salad, but Lucy’s chicken salad is better than mine. And to answer your question, big sister, yes, apparently, he can cook. And you’re right, it smells amazing.”

“Is he great in the sack?” asked Lucy.

Delaney knew she was just trying to tease Delaney and Tevryn as Delaney had already shared that her man—she liked how that sounded—her man—had mad skills in bed.

“He is, but right now he’s being difficult about the whole doctor’s orders bullshit.”

“If you two are finished talking about me like I’m not even here, you can tell me if we want to eat at the table, here at the island, or in the living room. If you want to do the latter, Delaney, I can cut up your meat for you.”

Lucy groaned. “You don’t happen to have any brothers, do you?”

Tevryn laughed. “Be careful what you wish for, I know more than a few men who would like to see if they can find a slipper that fits your foot.”

“Huh?” asked Lucy as Delaney laughed.

“At the award ceremony I’d taken off my shoes and he slipped them back on my feet for me. The only problem was he wouldn’t disclose if he was a serial killer, a charming prince, a knight in shining armor, or a dragon.”

As she finished her sentence, she realized what an odd thing that had been for him to say. A dragon? Was there any chance that Whistler wasn’t certifiable? Could dragons—or at least creatures who could shapeshift between man and dragon—really exist? If so, could Tevryn be one of them? She shoved the thought away. She’d seen the man naked, she’d felt every inch of his body, had run her hands, lips, and tongue all over him—and there was not a scale to be found.

They ate dinner, and Delaney invited him to stay over.

“I’m not so sure that’s a good idea,” he said.

“I think it’s a brilliant idea,” quipped Lucy. “That way we can see what you can make for breakfast.”

Delaney shook her head. “You don’t have to make breakfast, but I would sleep better with you next to me.”

“Delaney Pierce, I am not violating doctor’s orders,” said Tevryn emphatically.

“I don’t think it’s the doctor’s orders she’s hoping you’ll violate.”

Tevryn laughed. “I am most definitely adding find Lucy a man to the top of my list of things to do when I finish my story.”

“Be careful, Tevryn, I might hold you to that.”

“When you get dragged down the aisle by one of my service brothers, I’ll remind you of that.”

Tevryn finally agreed to stay but cautioned Delaney that he would only share her bed if she promised to behave. She promised with both of them knowing she had no intention of doing so. Lucy left them to their own devices and they settled in on the couch to watch a special they were both interested in.

The next morning, Delaney woke in her bed and realized that at some point she had fallen asleep again and that Tevryn had moved her to her room. She felt the spot next to her and while he wasn’t there, the bed itself was still warm, and the pillow smelled of him. She couldn’t believe she’d slept all night and not tried to molest him. The man really was her catnip.

As she thought back on the evening, she was able to pinpoint when she must have fallen asleep. He’d given her a massage, working carefully to relax her muscles and get her trigger points to release. She stretched, evaluating her physical state. Contrary to what she expected, there was no headache, no foggy brain, and her body seemed to be singing with energy. Yesterday had been lovely, but it was time to get back to work.

Standing under the shower, she went over everything Whistler had told her. It spun around in her brain like a phantasmagoria of colliding colors and electricity. Normally, she would have been able to dismiss his concerns as unbelievable and the ravings of a madman, except for one small problem—Delaney had seen a dragon. And not just one, but two—two fire-breathing dragons.

The idea of returning to the Winds to see if she could find the spot where Whistler believed the scrolls to be both terrified and intrigued her in equal measure. Besides, her own need to finish what she started was at an all-time high, especially given that it appealed to her sense of mystery and adventure. Maybe instead of trying to work at her drafting table, she could sit on her couch with her laptop and do some research.

She wondered if among the vast information available on the internet, there was a site that talked about the best way of dealing with dragons. She knew about beheading and weapons made of obsidian, but where did one buy such weapons?

“What’s with the furrowed brow?” Tevryn asked, returning to the bedroom and handing her a mug of coffee as he leaned down to kiss her.

“Nothing that can’t wait until after breakfast. You do know Lucy is expecting you to feed her.”

“I am happy to feed your sister and you. I like to cook. I find it relaxing. There’s something about a good recipe that when you follow the directions, you can turn out something not only nourishing but good tasting.”

“That pot roast last night was amazing.”
