Page 29 of Chosen Omega

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“Patience, Little Omega. All good things come to those who wait. Right now, I need you to tell us where we are going.” Skylar brushes a lock of my hair off my shoulder and stares deep into my eyes.

“Closet.” My voice is rough and scratchy, the need bleeding through my every word. “There’s a door on the back wall behind where my jeans are hanging. It’s my secret room.”

Hutch quickly climbs out of the bed with me still in his arms. I squirm a bit, feeling too hot in the blanket and not wanting to take it into my room. Everything is perfectly placed in there and the blanket will throw the whole room out of whack. That’s another reason I’m nervous about my mates going to my cave. I don’t want them to move shit around. I made each of them a spot, and I don’t want them to mess up the perfectness of my room.

“What’s wrong Red?” Hutch squeezes me to his chest as I wiggle around more. Erik walks into the room and I sigh in relief at having them all together again,

“I’m hot. Can’t we leave the blanket here? I have more in my secret room if I get cold again.”

Skylar tries to hide his chuckle but I still hear it. My heart sinks and my wolf gets pissy at the man for laughing. What exactly does he think is so fucking funny? That I don’t want the blanket anymore because I’m hot? Or does he think it’s funny that I have other blankets in my secret room? Maybe he is laughing at the fact that Ihavea secret room? No matter why he is laughing, it's still rude!

“Well, Skylar, if you’re going to laugh at me you can just stay out here! My room is special to me and I worked really hard to make it perfect. If you think it’s so damn funny, you don’t have to come!” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, the tears come. I don’t really want him to stay out here. I just don’t want him to laugh at me. I need all of my mates, but I want them to accept all parts of me, even my crazy secret room that I am obsessed over.

“Great going boy genius, you made the Omega cry!” CJ smacks Skylar over the head and makes his way over to where Hutch still has me in his arms. Erik growls at Skylar while Hutch is glaring hard enough that the thought ‘if looks could kill’ pops into my mind. Skylar looks perplexed and a bit uncomfortable, but right then, CJ is petting my face and rubbing my tears off my overheated cheeks.

“Shh, don’t cry Red. He didn’t mean it like that. He shouldn’t have laughed. We think it's adorable that you went through so much trouble to make your ne … Um, the secret room perfect.” He kisses each of my eyes then leans back and smiles softly at me. “How about you give the idiot one more chance, and if he is mean again, we can kick him out of the secret room?”

That does sound fair. After all, I really want to showallof my mates my room. I did work really hard for weeks to make sure it was perfect for them and me. And my wolf is a little despondent at the thought of any of them not seeing it. I can give him one more chance, but that is all he gets. If he is just going to make fun of me and my room, then he won’t be welcome. I nod my consent to CJ and wiggle in Hutch’s arms again, still feeling way too hot wrapped in the big comforter and uncomfortable with taking it with me.

“Good girl, Red. Come on, I’ll help Hutch unwrap you from this blanket and then we can go see the room, okay?” Nodding at CJ again, I pull my arms out of the blanket and reach towards him.

He smiles warmly and takes me out of Hutch’s hands as Hutch grabs the big blanket and strips it off my body. I wrap my legs around CJ’s waist and my arms around his neck so he is forced to hold me like a mother would hold her toddler, on his hip with his arms around me. I rest my head on his shoulders and point to the closet, silently telling him where to go. Skylar moves ahead of us, leading the way into my closet. His eyes move around the space until they stop on the jeans section. The door is partially visible behind all the denim, so he heads that way, pushing my clothes on the rack until there is nothing in front of the door any more.

Holding my breath and squeezing my hands into fists to keep them from shaking, I wait for Skylar to open the door. There is no going back once they see this room, they will know all of the weird things I've been trying to keep from them. But I truly think they will like it. Or at least be happy that it makes me happy. I didn’t even think about them seeing my art that I hung on the walls or random knick-knacks I stacked in the corner, like the massage gun or the case of bubbles. Honestly, some of the stuff in this room is more fit for a child's room than an adult’s cave of comfort. But there is no time to change it now, even if I wanted to. Which I don’t. I know that they are my mates, but this feels like the biggest test our relationship has faced yet. I want them to pass, because I’m not sure my heart could take losing them if they don’t like this space I created.

Skylar looks back one more time, watching my face as he slowly opens the door. The scent of the room is the first thing that hits me, and that alone is enough to have my hands still and my stomach to relieve a few of the knots that formed when we started to head this way. Skylar heads in, his head swiveling in all directions as he takes in the room. Hutch follows closely behind, both of them staying close to the door. CJ carries me in, but gently sets me on my feet as soon as we cross the threshold. Erik follows right behind us and freezes in front of the door as CJ pulls it closed. The fairy lights I hung up around the ceiling gives us enough light to see the whole room, but are soft enough to not hurt my eyes like the sun did in my bedroom.

My mates’ attention is bouncing all over the room. There is a lot in here, between the giant pool like cushion in the middle of the room covered in blankets, pillows, and random pieces of their clothing, and the empty cabinet in the corner on the other side of the door, and the stacks of stuffed animals, bubbles, and trinket toys, every inch of space is taken up by something. It doesn’t feel cluttered though, at least, not to me. I crawl into the middle of the cushion, grabbing a stuffed whale as I go, and instantly feel better. I’m surrounded by my mates’ scents and all my favorite stuff. My drawings are hung high on the walls, showcasing everything from ocean animals to portraits of my mates, all detailed with charcoal and brought to life in black and white. I painted the walls a dark royal purple and most of the blankets and pillows are black or dark colored. The only pops of color are my mates’ clothes and the stuffed animals.

Chapter Thirty

Nests and Knots

“Wow,Red.”Skylarfinallylooks at me and smiles so big the corner of his eyes crinkle. “This nest is amazing. So comfortable and fun.”

“Nest?” My head tilts to the side and my brows scrunch over my eyes.

“Yes, love. This is your nest. The one place that you feel safe and comfortable in.” CJ is smiling at me now and a flutter in my chest alerts me to the fact that I accepted days ago. I’m in love with these Alphas. Their acceptance of my … Nest just proves it more.

Hutch moves to join me on my cushion and his foot taps a pile of stuffed animals. My eyes track the movement as a distressed sound slips between my lips. I want them with me, but they have to be in their spots so they don’t mess up my nest. CJ puts a hand on Hutch’s shoulder, even though the other Alpha has frozen in his spot and is staring at me as the stressed noise drags out. Erik bends down and fixes the stuffed animals until the noise stops.

“It’s okay, Red. Is there somewhere we can sit? I know my mom once told me that a lot of work goes into making a nest, and sometimes, it’s easier for an Omega to place her Alphas in the right spot at first.” The other three acknowledge what he is saying and they all freeze, making sure not to touch anything.

The heat that subsided when I got into my nest is starting again, and my thoughts that were just so clear, start to jumble again when I see how considerate my mates are. I need to put them in their spots so we can figure out what to do about the burning. Beads of sweat drip down my forehead and my steps are wobbly as I slowly make my way over to them. I grab Hutch’s hand and lead him to the back of the cushion, by the bubbles. He sits gently, smiling when I move his feet so they sit perfectly. His shoulders relax when I smile at him and turn to get Erik next. He latches onto my hand as if he needs the support, but moves easily around my nest cushion to his spot next to Hutch. He fixes his legs to match Hutch’s and I breathe a sigh of relief. CJ is next and he doesn’t even hesitate to move to his spot when I point next to Hutch’s other side. I turn to get Skylar, but he is already settling into his spot. Flexing his legs out until each of his feet are resting against Erik and CJ’s on either side of him. I move in a slow circle, taking in the sight of all of my Alphas in their spots in my nest. Finally, the room feels complete, perfect, exactly what it is supposed to look like.

When I settle in the middle of the circle, some part of my body touches each of my Alphas, and the heat in my belly flares and my desire rises to a fever pitch. I need them, all of them. I whimper and Skylar sits up, all of my Alphas reach for me, but my eyes lock on Skylar who is sitting directly in front of me. My wolf is whimpering about taking the Lead Alpha first. I’m confused because CJ is supposed to be the Lead Alpha, but my wolf is insisting we take Skylar as Lead. I want so badly to ask for clarification, but my mind goes hazy again and I feel like I’m on auto-pilot as my hands reach out to tug his shirt off of his body.

I don’t think of anything else, barely hear the other Alphas cries of surprise as I work to get Skylar’s and my clothes off. It doesn’t take long, and I belatedly realize the other Alphas and Skylar are helping me. Once we are both completely naked, I stare down at his dick, licking my lips even as the heat in my belly hits me again. He looks different than he did last time. Now the bulge at the base that I expected to see last time is there. I thought I would be intimidated looking at his knot, any of their knots, but I’m not. All I can think about is sinking onto him and being locked there until his body gives me what I need.

Not taking any time to consider what I’m doing, I climb into his lap and sit on his cock. My thighs are wet with slick, somehow feeling slicker than they did last time. My scent is stronger and the Cinnamon is thicker than it normally is. Skylar yelps then groans as I impale myself on him. My body is moving like a demon possessed as I take what I need from him. My lips lock on to him and I drink in every sound. Hands wrap around my back and pluck at my nipples, making me groan and slam down harder on Skylar. The heat keeps building and I need more. Whimpering, I move faster. I can feel the pending explosion building in my belly through the heat, the two battling to be the most dominant feeling. Skylar growls and wraps his hands around my hips, slamming me down harder. His dick goes farther and farther inside of me until my body explodes.

He throws me on my back and thrusts his cock inside of me a few more times until he thrust harder still. I feel his knot slip inside, expanding and stretching me to impossible limits as he locks himself deep inside of me. His warm cum paints the inside of my womb. The heat in my body fizzes out as Skylar cries out his release. The room explodes with color around me and stars burst behind my eyes as I shake with each pulse of pleasure my body sends to my belly. The heat isn’t gone, but it’s been tamed for now. Skylar kisses my head and rubs his hands down my face. Hutch kisses the top of my head and Erik and CJ both pet my arms, massaging and rubbing the ache out of my legs that are still wrapped around Skylar.

“Holy shit. That was intense.” Skylar croaks as he rests his head on my shoulder. His knot is still locked inside of me, it’s pulsing throb sending little sparks of pleasure all through my body.

The others chuckle as they keep rubbing me. I want to say sorry for attacking him, but the words won’t come. We sit like that for a few minutes and slowly, his knot fades and my body quits shaking. CJ is waiting with a bottle of water when Skylar helps me sit up. Hutch uses a damp rag to wipe my face as Erik helps Skylar sit back in his spot and gives him his own water. I watch my mates take care of us and the heat starts to build all over again, despite the cool water I’m drinking and the damp cloth CJ is wiping down my arms with.

There is no way my body is ready for that again!
