Page 30 of Chosen Omega

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My mates must have heard my inner thoughts because all of them growl, Skylar groans and Erik coughs to cover up his laugh. Even CJ smirks at Skylar. Hutch tilts his head to the side and watches me carefully as my face starts to blush red with heat again. He keeps his eyes on me as he addresses the other Alphas.

“Guys, we all need to strip. I don’t think her heat is going to give us much rest. Skylar close your eyes and try to sleep while you can. CJ, if I have to guess, based on what Profesor Twonly said in our Omega Needs class, she will take the Alphas in order by Dominance first. Then it’s a free-for-all based on what she craves until the heat finally subsides. So, Skylar is the Lead Alpha as determined by our Omega and CJ will probably be next judging by the hungry look she has in her eyes staring at him right now. Erik and I are both pretty even in dominance, so it’ll be up to her who she takes next. This first round will be quick, then she will probably rest for a short while. At least one of us should be ready at all times. This is going to be a wild ride my friends.”

As he finishes his monologue on Omega heat cycles, I lunge at a now naked CJ, growling in my chest as he meets me head on and shoves me flat on my back. He takes me with a ferocious growl, thrusting deep into my body as I mewl and scratch at his back, using my feet to shove him in more, demanding more, needing more. He gives me everything I need, thrusting so deep that his knot slips in just a little before he pulls it away again. I whimper and squirm under his demanding hands, begging with my body for the knot. He doesn’t relent, teasing my body with what it needs until I call out, begging with my words and my body.

“Please CJ! Please!”

He chuckles and places his forehead against mine. “Please what, Little Omega?”

“Your knot! I need the knot! Please Alpha!”

“Holy fuck, that is hot as shit.” I can't tell who says it with my body exploding around the knot CJ forces into my body. My world feels split in two, and the only anchor I have to keep me together is CJ and his knot pulsing inside of me as he comes deep inside of me. I can feel his release mixing with Skylars and my body heats again. I want all of them. I want to feel so full of my mates that I can’t contain it all.

When his knot relaxes, CJ leaves me, kissing my mouth gently as he eased himself out of my body. I’m not satisfied though. I whimper and cling to his arms. “More, I need more. Please.”

CJ looks up and meets someone’s eyes above me. Skylar curses and Erik groans, but CJ quickly moves from between my legs as I whimper and cry, trying to hold him close even as he moves away. Hutch takes his place and I lift my hips, demanding to be filled again. His knot looks so much bigger than Skylar’s or CJ’s did, and I’m practically drooling to have it.

“It’s okay, Baby Girl, I’ll take care of you.” Hutch moves slowly, gently, lovingly as he guides his cock into my aching body.

I know I should feel sore, and I’m sure once this burning in my belly subsides I will, but for now, all I want is more. More of my mates, more knots, more everything. Hutch takes his time, his hands explore the rest of my body as he brings me to the brink again, gently taking my body to the edge and softly pushing me over as his knot expands inside of me. Tears rush down my face as the ache ratchets up a bit more, desperation takes over even as I kiss Hutch. He whispers soothing words in my ear as we wait for his knot to subside and I love him for it. He is so gentle and caring, not that I mind the dominance of CJ or the laidback desire of Erik. Even Skylar’s frustrating know-it-all care is amazing, but Hutch’s easy, simple love is special in its own way. Not better or worse, just unique. I need all of them to live, need every facet of my pack to keep going in this world.

Hutch keeps kissing me even as he slowly pulls himself out of my body. The inferno in my belly is raging strong and when Hutch backs away, I sit up, hoping to draw closer to him again. Hell, I want to be close toallof them. I’m resting on my knees, one hand extended to reach out to Hutch desperate to touch him again. A steady pressure pushes between my shoulder blades and I fall forward, catching myself on my hands, ass in the air. A deep growl reverberates through the room then I’m being filled again. I love all of my mates, but Erik is definitely the biggest mate I have, in all aspects.

The shock isn’t how much he fills me up. No, the shock is how rough my normally laidback mate is. He grabs a handful of my hair and tugs my head back until my eyes fall on my other mates, each of them watching Erik take me from behind with rapt attention. Erik leans down. His hips are still working as he whispers his dirty words in my ear, driving my desire higher.

“You feel so good, Little Red. Soaked with my brothers’ cum and your slick. Even taking three knots, you still squeeze my dick so snug. Do you like getting fucked like this, Little Omega? Your body on display for your mates as I take you from behind and help you ease the aching heat in your belly?”

I pant, struggling to take all that he is giving me without cuming. But Erik doesn’t like that. He sits up and a big hand falls on my ass, spanking me hard enough to send sparks of pleasure shooting up my spine, but not hard enough to actually hurt. He thrust forward hard and fast, his knot slipping in and stretching me with a burning sensation that quickly fizzles into white hot pleasure.

“Answer me, Little Red. Do you like your hot wet cunt getting fucked while your mates look on?”

I whimper as he spanks me over and over again. Each of his words punctuated with a sharp rap of his big hand falling on my ass. When I can catch my breath I cry out, begging for his knot. I need it, to feel him completely. My body is so tired, but the pleasure refuses to go over the edge into bliss without Erik being knotted in me. Still, he only teases me with the bulge at the end of his cock. When I don’t think I can take it anymore, I finally answer him.

“Yes! Yes Erik, I love getting fucked while my mates watch.” A sob leaves my chest as I beg again. “Now please! I need your–” My words are cut off as he shoves his knot inside me, cuming hard inside of me.

Each rope of his come is like a soothing balm to the heat in my belly, by the time we both come back down to earth, the fire is completely gone and my body is bone tired. All of my mates are touching me, kissing me. Erik pulls me back against his chest and lays back with me on his chest.

“Sleep Omega. We’ll take care of you. Sleep my sweet girl, and know that we love you. You are completely ours, and not even the Gods themselves can take us from your side.”

My eyes close and my mind fades to black before Erik’s knot releases my body. Sleep feels heavy on my mind and I smile knowing that they are here with me.

Chapter Thirty One

Answers and Everafters

Threedays.Mymatesand I were secluded in my nest cave for three days before the heat dissipated completely. I don’t remember a lot of it, just flashes of flesh rubbing against flesh, sweat and kisses, slick and knots. At one point, I’m pretty sure Hutch distracted me with bubbles while the other three left and got showers. Although, I could have been mistaken. The whole thing is a blur, mixed with what actually happened and what my mind created while I slept.

All I know for sure is that waking up this morning is a feat of sore muscles and a foul odor I pray to the gods isn’t coming from me. My hair is a rat’s nest, tangles and frizzy curls fanning out in all sorts of directions. All of my Alphas are cuddled around me, Erik under all of us as I’m curled on his chest. Skylar has his hand clasping mine under my head and Hutch’s leg is somehow thrown over mine and Erik’s waists. CJ is probably the most comfortable, he is wrapped around Erik’s head with a hand on my head, unconsciously rubbing my hair and purring in his sleep. Blinking my eyes, I look around the room. Nothing is where it started. The stuffed animals are thrown all over the place and wrappers and empty water bottles litter the floor around the nest cushion. I’m pleased to see that they kept all the food and drink out of the central area at least.

A musk of sex and my scent blended with my mates’ scents hang languidly in the air. That stale scent is the odor that woke me up. Though for the first time since all of this started, my mind is clear and there is no heat in my belly. I think the heat is finally over and while I’m happy to be back to my normal self, I am sad that now I don’t have an excuse to stay with my mates all the time. If my internal clock is right and we’ve been in the Nest Cave for three days, then today is Saturday and we only have today and tomorrow before we have to get back to school. The thought of going out and going about our daily lives is bittersweet. I miss Mandy and her Alphas, but I don’t want to give up my mates’ attention.

Sitting up slowly, I try to figure out how to extract myself without waking up my mates. All four of them have deep bags under their eyes and look as if they haven’t slept in days. Guilt bubbles in my chest and I feel horrible that I did this to them. Sure, I didn’t have a choice in my heat coming in, but I wish that it wasn’t so hard on my Alphas. I mean, I had a great time, even if my body is screaming and I doubt my ability to walk straight, but they look like I put them through the ringer. Blinking, I ease Hutch’s leg from around my waist and slowly scoot down Erik’s body until my feet hit the cushion. Looking back, I smile when they all cuddle closer together. I race as silently as I can out the room and snag my phone off my bedside table in my room. The bright lights have me blinking again to orient myself but eventually, I get used to seeing the sun again and take my phone back into the nest.

They are just how I left them, snuggled close together. CJ twists closer to the other Alphas, grumbling until he runs his fingers through Erik’s hair, just like he was doing to mine. I take a picture of them, secretly grateful they all have shorts on so I can set it as my background on my phone. Once I’m satisfied with my picture, I back out of the room and close the door to let them sleep more. I snag some clothes while I’m in the closet and head to the bathroom to take a much needed shower and try to tame this mess on top of my head. The water is hot and relaxes my aching muscles. My hair is a tangled mess that I have to condition and brush twice before it starts looking normal again.

The boys are still asleep when I get out of the shower, so I decided to go down and get some food, and my growling stomach approves. Taking the stairs slowly on my still wobbly legs, I don’t notice Mandy and her pack are in the kitchen until I reach the bottom and arms are thrown around my shoulders. Mandy is bouncing up and down with her arms around me as she squeals in what I’m hoping is delight and not absolute horror at my state. I only put on leggings and one of Hutch’s football shirts. My hair is up in a messy bun and I only have on makeup to hide the horrid bags I saw in the mirror after my shower. When I eventually peel myself away from her tight grasp, I see a wide smile on her face. She is pacing in front of me, demanding I tell her how my first heat went. I just stare at her with an eyebrow raised. Surely she doesn’t want me to tell her the details of my time in heat with herson. Eventually, James clears his throat, trying to cover up the laugh. August doesn’t even try to hide his amusement, but Charles huffs a sigh.

“Mandy, I know you’re excited about having another Omega in the house, but I’d really rather not hear her assessment of my sons’ performance, and I’d like to think you wouldn’t either.”
