Page 31 of Chosen Omega

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Mandy stops moving and her face drains of all color. She looks at me and blinks her eyes as if she just realized what my telling her about my heat will entail. She waves her hands in front of her as if she can erase the last two minutes from existence. All I can do is laugh and pull her back into a hug.

“Hey Mandy. My heat was amazing. My mates took great care of me and that is all I will say about it. Now, please tell me Charles made a lot of breakfast, because I am starving.”

Mandy clasps our hands together and drags me to the table as Charles and James set plates down in front of us. The parents tell me about their week and the Council leaving. August says he has my test results back, but he says we should wait for my mates to be here before he tells us. Charles says that he got custody of Fenyx, Hutch’s sister. Hutch told them about her shortly after our first night together, Charles had been searching for her in the Lycan foster system and apparently found her and secured her custody. She is twelve, and will be here on Monday. My heart swells at knowing how happy Hutch will be to know that his sister will be here and safe.

As we eat and talk, my mates trickle in one at a time. Each of them stops to give me a kiss before going to make their plates. Now that they are awake and showered, they don’t look nearly as exhausted as they did laying in my Nest. Hutch is the last one to make it in and he picks me up and settles me on his lap, stealing bites of my food. CJ slides him a plate of his own, but we both finish mine before diving into his. When he reaches for my coffee I growl at him, popping his hand and staring daggers at the offending appendage. Erik chuckles and slides him his own cup.

“Dumb ass. Never take an Omega’s coffee.” Skylar shakes his head then turns his attention to a smirking August. “So what did we miss? I think I heard something about test results and a new pup coming to live with us?”

August takes a sip of his orange juice and shares a look with his pack mates. Charles goes first, telling Hutch about his sister. Hutch freezes, his whole body going stiff. He is staring at Charles and I rub my back against his chest to ease his nerves.

“You really found her? She is actually coming here?”

“Yes. She even knows about you. She says she is excited to meet her big brother and his mates. She will be here Monday when you guys get home from football practice.” Charles smiles gently at Hutch, who scoffs and eats another bite of food before answering.

“Fuck that. I’m skipping school to be here when she gets here.”

Mandy is shaking her head before the words even leave his mouth. “I don’t think so. We want to give her time to settle in and get to know us. We will be her guardians and we want her to feel safe. I promise, there will be plenty of time for you two to get to know each other, but you need to be patient, Hutch. Give her the space she will need to get used to the new normal.”

He stays silent for a minute, considering her words. I rub my head under his chin and lend him all my love and support. I know that it will kill him to know Fenyx is here and he didn’t greet her, but Mandy is right. This is a whole new pack and environment for her. She needs to settle in and be comfortable with her new parents before Hutch unloads all the ‘protective big brother’ energy at her. Plus, I can tell by the look on my other mates’ faces that they already feel just as protective of the poor girl as Hutch does. Eventually, he nods, agreeing with Mandy. I sigh out a relieved breath and kiss him gently to show him how proud I am.

“Okay, I have some more big news. This is going to be a lot, so I’m warning you now not to blurt out or interrupt me or the whole explanation will go off the tracks.” August eyes all of us, waiting for each of us to acknowledge him and agree to stay silent. “So, we got Becca’s test results back. We also did some digging into the archives based on what we found. It gets a bit crazy, so try to stay with me.”

James crosses his arms over his chest and Mandy grabs my hand. It seems that the news is big. I’m nervous about what they have to say, but I keep my questions and concerns locked deep inside. My mates all send calming energy to me through our bond and I really appreciate their thoughtfulness.

“First off, we did find supernatural DNA in Becca’s line, but it wasn’t Lycan.” This is a shock. I mean, Abby did explain that there are more supernaturals around than the humans know, but I never thought I was. “She is, well, was, a witch. We suspect on both her mother and father’s side, there are barely any human genomes present at all.”

Holy shit. This is crazy. I was a witch?! I wonder if my parents knew. Surely not, they never told me, or even hinted that there may be more to me than human. But this information does explain why I always felt so comfortable in nature.

“We decided to look into relations between Lycans and Wickens, or witches to the humans, and we found something … insane.” August looks up at Charles who sits up higher in his chair. He isn’t just Charles, the father of my mate, now he is Charles, Council Alpha.

“Around two hundred years ago, Lycans and Witches got into a fight. A witch was jealous when her Lycan lover found his mate, so she cast a curse. It was only meant to hit the one wolf couple, but she gave it too much juice and it ended up affecting the whole Lycan race. She didn’t want the couple to be happy, so she cursed them to never be able to continue the strong Alpha lineage. The curse morphed, changed as it hit all the Lycans. Since, we noticed a severe decline in the amount of Alphas and Omegas born every year. Before the Curse, it was common for three or four packs to be born to each community. Now, we are lucky to get one born in a generation.”

My heart breaks. My people did this to the Lycans. Wickens are the reason the Lycan species is dying and now, I’m caught between the two worlds. A single tear drops down my face as I squeeze Mandy’s hand. Charles smiles gently then continues his story.

“When we first noticed what happened, we went back to the Wickens. They tried their best, but all they could do was put a lock on the curse so that if we could find the solution, the curse would lift and Alphas would prosper as they once did.”

“So what was the caveat? What do the Lycans have to do to break the curse?”

Charles glares at Erik’s interruption, but clears his throat and continues as if the question wasn’t asked. “If a Witch, born of the lineage of the original Caster, falls in love with a pack of Alphas, the curse will be broken. The ‘wrong’ that was done to the original curse caster will have been righted and the Lycans will start to prosper once again.”

The room falls heavy as everyone looks at me. I stare at August. His face is void of all emotions, but I know that he has the answer. He knows if I’m the witch that will break the curse. Of course, I already know that I love my Alphas. I love them with all of my heart, so if all the curse needs is for me to be of the right bloodline and for me to love a pack of Alphas, then the only question left is if I’m of the right bloodline. I know that they said not to ask, but I can’t stop it. I have to know.

“What is the bloodline? Who was the original witch that cast the curse?”

Charles smiles. In my heart I know that the curse is lifted, but my mind refuses to believe it until he says the words.

“The original caster was Chancy Lancaster. Your great, great, great grandmother. You’re a Lancaster Witch, and you, my sweet little wolf, are the reason that Wolves will prosper once more.”
