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Pure unadulterated bliss coursed through Rami’s veins.He’d never been much for church, but he saw heaven right then.Had found it in her arms, and between her legs.She was nirvana.His promised land.And he wanted her.Always.

“Mine,” he snarled, crushing his mouth to hers one last time before the rest of the world could intrude on them.

Mine, his Lion echoed.


“Mimi, it’s your Mama.Call me.”

Noemi shook her head and deleted the message from her mother.It was the eighth from that day alone.

Sigh.There was nothing more relentless than a Southern mama hounding her chick.Noemi scrolled through the rest of the calls quickly, hoping for one particular number to appear on her cell.

Alas, Rami hadn’t called.Then again, he’d spent most of that morning with her after they’d made love on her office floor.She’d had to shoo him away so he could catch a nap before his shift later that evening.

It was evening now, and he was probably just arriving at work.Of course, he had important business to attend.She shouldn’t feel disappointed, but Noemi could not help it.After the purely phenomenal, bone-melting, soul-searing sex they’d shared, she thought for sure the big man felt as strongly for her as she did for him.

It wasn’t like her to get things so wrong.Well, there was Peter.But nothing that had happened between the mild-mannered,aka boring-as-hell, man and Noemi could even touch the explosive exchange between her and the detective.It was that good.

Rami had touched her everywhere, and she didn’t just mean with his body.He’d touched her heart too.Dangerous,heck yeah, but also unexpected and very, very appreciated.Perhaps he was the reason she’d been so drawn to the Big Apple.

Noemi was so wrapped up in her thoughts, she’d hardly had time to react when a crash sounded just behind her.Dang it!She wasn’t paying attention and Terrie had gone to get her car.Rami insisted the young woman take her home, and she was driving tonight.

“Shit!The store’s not empty, Marty!”

“Fuck it.We’re here for the old man’s safe.Just get rid of her, then go get the damn thing!”

The words left chills racing down her spine.Was he serious?Heck if she knew.But one thing was certain, she wasn’t gonna wait to find out.

Noemi started running the second she heard the thugs’ heavy steps clomping on the shattered glass.If she were lucky, she’d catch Terrie just outside.The young woman left a few minutes ago.How long did it take to drive up the street in NYC anyway?

Too long, as it turned out.Loud, rumbling snarls reached her ears, and Noemi cringed, reaching up into her hair for her only source of protection.There was too much at stake for her to allow fear to take charge.She was not giving in to these dirtbags.

You’re so gonna regret this, she thought before the first male grabbed her.

Rami stared at his phone.He’d just shot off a text to Noemi after agonizing about it for the past half hour.Hell, he’d never been so nervous over how to reach out to a woman after sex before.

But this was different.She was special.Now he sounded like a fucking pussy.Not that he gave a shit, he thought as he ambled into the station with a big shit-eating grin on his face.After all, he’d spent the morning wrapped around and buried deep inside the object of his affections.Nothing better than that.

Who you callin’ a pussy?His Lion snarled at him, but Rami was in too good a mood to care.

“What do you have for me Llewellyn?And I am warning you, it better be good,” Captain Luani bellowed from inside his office.

Of course, the man had scented him the second he walked inside.It was Saturday, and he was working the night shift.But not even that could get him down after spending the better part of his morning exploring the sweet and tender delights of Noemi Donato.Nope.Nothing on the gods’ green Earth could foul Rami’s mood.

The woman was a hellcat.Sweet, sensual, and insatiable.Thank fuck.Mmm mmm mmm.He still couldn’t believe he’d done all that.Thatthey’ddone all that.But it happened.And he didn’t regret a fucking thing.

After having wild, unbridled sex on the office floor.They’d cleaned up, gotten dirty, and cleaned up again.Who knew there was a little shower in that office?Anyway, afterwards, he’d stayed a while.Watching her get ready for the day was an eye-opener.She was so damn tiny, but so strong too.You had to be to bake.The kneading and lifting and in and out of the ovens.

It was a shit-ton of work, and Noemi was more than happy to educate him on that fact.Hell, he even helped here and there.It was so much fucking fun.Lucky him, she even let him lick her bowl.Twice.

Purrrrrrr.His Lion sure did like the taste of her cream.In fact, he was dying for more.Later,he told the beast.

Sure, Terrie had to know what went down with her keen Shifter senses, but the young Lioness hadn’t uttered a word when she strolled in.In fact, if Rami wasn’t mistaken, she seemed tickled by the idea of the big, bad detective falling head over heels for a human.

Shit.Was it already down to that now?The Lion hissed, and he knew it was a no brainer.He was already halfway out of his mind over the female.But this was work, and he needed to focus.

“Well?”the Primus asked when he walked into the man’s office.
