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“Took some photos last night outsideThe QUINNtessential.A lot of familiar faces, but some unknowns.Waiting on the lab to print them.”

“I already got them,numb nuts.But where are you with the warrant?We got grounds yet?”

“No, cap,” he shook his head, “till I get some proof or a witness, I got didley.”

“Fuck, Rami, I expected more.”

“Captain, I-”

“Hey yo, Captain!You too, Llewellyn.I got something for you both,” Officer Tim Swavely, Terrie’s brother, knocked on the door, and averted his gaze while acknowledging their Primus.

Typical move for a less dominant Shifter.Smart too.Theirs was a species that had once thrived on challenges and tests of strength and power.Though civilized now, it was a difficult history to break.

Nature versus nurture and all that.But Rami had no interest in fighting the male, and the Primus had nothing to prove.

“Well, Swavely, you gonna talk or what?”Captain Luani yelled.

“Sorry sir, yes, sir.I picked up a Wolf today.No known Pack affiliation.But he says he needs to talk to somebody high up.”

“What do you think?”

“I’d like to take a crack at him, sir,” Rami spoke to the captain and waited for the man’s nod before walking to the interrogation room with Officer Swavely.

“How’d you nab him?”

“He was busting into a car in Midtown.But it was strange, like he was waiting on a patrol car from the 135thto see him do it.I smelled Wolf the second I got out of the car, Llewellyn.He was broadcasting or some shit.Anyway, that’s him.Name’s Dante Pascal.He works security at that club you were staking out.”

“Yeah, I know of him.”

The younger officer sniffed and frowned.He took a step closer and inhaled.

“You smell like pastry, and, shit Rami, you go back to that bakery and fuck that chubby normal on your way to work?”

“Shut the fuck up, Swavely,” Rami snarled, and shoved the cop into the wall, “You say another word about her, and I will personally rearrange your face, so your own mother doesn’t recognize you,” Rami growled.

“Oh shit!It’s like that?Sorry, bro.My bad, man.Congrats,” Tim grinned despite Rami holding him a foot off the floor with his back pressed into the cinder block wall.


“Last time I heard a Lion threaten someone like that, dude was mated by the end of the week.”

“Beat it, I am in no fucking mood for your anecdotes,” Rami shook his head and grabbed the file on Pascal.

The man was the grandson of the current Wolf representative on the SCNYC.He was Pack royalty or should be, but he was listed as unaffiliated with the Greenwich Pack.Why would he be stealing a car?

There was something else at play here.Rami narrowed his eyes as he watched the man sitting still and silent in the interrogation room.He looked very calm for a Wolf who was just arrested.As unaffected by the cuffs around his wrists, as he was by the fly buzzing around the exposed lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.

Interesting, noted Rami.His years as a detective had taught him things were very rarely what they appeared to be.Dante Pascalseemedto be in the act of stealing a car at the very same moment one of his station’s patrolman had turned down the street.He’d lay odds there was more than meets the eye to the man’s story.

“Dante Pascal?”Rami asked as he entered the room, “I’m Detective Sergeant Llewellyn.”

“Detective,” the Wolf Shifter nodded, holding his stare long enough to let Rami know he was very dominant.

Perhaps even an Alpha.Again, very interesting.

“You hard up for cash, Dante?That why you try to steal that Benz today?”

“No,” he leaned forward, “I don’t have money problems.I needed to get inside.”
