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“Why else?A girl,” he said, his expression tight and severe, “She was taken.I need to find her.”

“Tell me, who is she?Who took her?We can help,” Rami said.

“It’s Pack business, detective,” Dante shook his head.

“You have no Pack, Dante.Stop fucking around.If someone is in danger, it is my job to help.”

“You can help.Put me in holding with Felix Rivera.He will tell me what I need to know to find her.”

“Does this have anything to do with the Claw Pack?They’ve been muscling into Greenwich territory.”

“I know.Damn thugs are causing problems everywhere, detective.Even your backyard.”

“Are you saying they’re behind the rash of break-ins and vandalism we’ve been seeing?”

Dante nodded.He seemed willing to cooperate, but only up to a point.Rami knew better than to push his luck.

“You know we’ve been investigating a number of illegal gambling rings in town.Small time bookies have been pushed out.New ones with no morals are in their place.It’s no good for the community,” Rami stated.

“I agree.And yet, you are looking in the wrong place.The Greenwich Pack has nothing to do with that.”

“Oh yeah?Who does?”

“I have no proof yet.”

“What a coincidence.Me neither.We need evidence to tap their lines, Dante.You know where I can get anything like that?”

“I might,” the Wolf said, “Felix Rivera, detective.Get me in a cell with him.She doesn’t have a lot of time.”

“Dante, look, I can’t just put you in a cell with some guy who has information about your girlfriend.It would be irresponsible of me.”

“You ever been in love, detective?”

Rami’s Lion chuffed and hissed at the blatant, raw honesty in the man’s voice.Whoever the alleged missing girl was, she was special to him.And without evidence, Rami could not do his job.The way he saw it, he’d be doing his job helping the guy out.

“Give me more info.When was he picked up?”

“Earlier today.I was going to talk to him when one of yours grabbed him, locked him up.”

“Give me ten minutes.And this is my number.Memorize it,” Rami said, “By the way.Those guys doing the robberies?They hit a bakery near my house, D’Angelo’s, hurt a friend of mine.I’d like a few words with them.Soon.”

“I will let you know, detective.Thank you.”

“I’ve learned to trust my instincts, Pascal.I sure as fuck hope they’re right about you.”

Rami left the room and ran the name Pascal had given him.Felix Rivera was a smalltime mutt.A thug and no real threat, but just maybe he had information for the Wolf, and just maybe, that would lead Rami to the evidence he needed against the assholes trying to move in on his town.

Yeah, New York was big, but the Shifters who lived there watched over their turfs and guarded them fiercely.There was no room for a rival Wolf Pack who wanted to make trouble.He pulled a few strings and got Dante put in the same holding cell as Rivera.Now all he had to do was wait and see.

He apprised Captain Luani and Officer Swavely of the situation when someone came knocking on the cap’s door.

“Fine,” Luani said, “And if the two mutts have at it, let them.That aside, I need you at the Shifter Council meeting next week.Some new supes are in town and want representation.”

“If it’s that Claw Wolf Pack, those fuckers have a lot of nerve,” Swavely inserted.

“We already got a Wolf representative.So long as they handle themselves, I don’t give a fuck how many Packs are in the city.This is something else.Rami, you hear me?”
