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Once more, the boy seemed to be calculating something.Lucky for the Tiger, he’d been deemed worthy.

“I’m Michael, but everyone calls me Mikey,” he explained.“You can’t though.”The child was quick to add.

“Alright.May I call you Michael?”

The little boy narrowed golden eyes at him, and Konstantin bit back a grin.He was an Alpha, a truePrimus, as Lion’s called their leaders.Imagine that!This small, thoughtful boy had the inner makings of a Shifter king for all intents and purposes.

“Yes.Michael Malek.”

“Malek?Not Polaski?”

“Don’t you know anything about Lions?We are matriarchal in that all cubs take their mothers’ names.Malek was my great, great, great, great, great-grandmother’s surname.She came from Germany, but our roots go deeper into modern Slovenia,” he explained.

Konstantin just nodded.That was a lot of information for a boy of four.But Michael just kept right on with his understanding of his family history, down to its coat of arms.Apparently, his forebears thought it was amusing to feature a knight prominently on their sigil where so many full humans had lions on theirs.

“My coat of arms is not as grand as that.The Petrov coat of arms is a ship, for some reason.We were not sailors, so I don’t know why, but there it is,” he told the boy.

“Interesting,” Michael said.

“You know, I own several books, mainly historical accounts, and I have them all in a library in my home.”

“You have a library in your house?”

“I do,” he said, carefully.

Then Konstantin’s stomach growled, and the little cub zeroed in on him.

“Mommy said to tell you she’s making breakfast.I was going to tell you she said to leave, but I changed my mind.She is making bacon.We only ever have bacon on Saturdays, but she said today was special because you were waking up from a healing sleep.”

“I see,” he replied.“I will dress and come right out.Thank you, Michael, for inviting me to stay for breakfast.”

“You’re welcome, Konstantin.”

He watched the small boy leave the room ever alert as only a true predatory Alpha could ever be.What a cub!He thought and grinned.Of course, his little Lioness would have a son with Primus genes, a quick wit, and haunting gold eyes like his mother’s.He pitied the future females who’d fall prey to his seduction as he had no doubt they would.Male Lions were worse than Wolves when it came to women.

He would do his best to guide the boy right, as long as his mother allowed.Speaking of which, Konstantin raced to the bathroom and checked the mirror.Pride filled him as he saw the two prominent puncture scars on his neck.

“She bit me,” he murmured and ran his fingertip along the raised mark.

YESSS!Mine!His beast roared in triumph.

Yasmin Malek had bitten and claimed him as her own.He stopped to assess his feelings, to make certain his Tiger was not angry that she’d made the first move, and the beast almost hurt himself laughing.Of course, he was not upset.It was the only thing his finicky feline had wanted for the past months since she’d started working for him.

Ever since Yasmin Malek had walked into his life, she was the only woman he could even see.The only woman he could imagine being mated too.Yes, he was aware she’d done it to save his life, but he was willing to do anything to make this mating real.Anything at all.

Looking around the tiny, but well kept apartment, he knew where he could start.But he didn’t want to be presumptuous.And for the sake of the boy, Konstantin would go slow.

“Something smells good,” an older Lioness said from the hallway as Konstantin opened the door.

“Good morning,” he murmured.

“Hello there, Konstantin.Do you mind if I call you that?”

“But of course,” he replied with a smile.“You must be Yasmin’s younger sister,” he teased.

“Ha!That is a good one.Come on, let’s go eat.I can hear your stomach rumbling from here.”

* * *
