Page 36 of Not This Time

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As Rachel had grown older, the rift between them had also grown. Especially after Rachel had moved from her job as a big game hunter for local law agencies, to the Texas rangers.

She'd had a chance to work for the reservation police as well, but had figured the best way to help her people was on the outside, where her folk were sometimes overlooked.

But her aunt, along with most of the other denizens of the rez, hadn't exactly agreed.

Things had only drifted further as the pain of losing her sister had caused Sarah even greater grief. She'd taken out that pain on Rachel.

Still... the two of them had been close once upon a time.

Rachel sighed, pulled out her phone, staring at it.

What would her aunt know about a prostitute anyway?

It wasn't like Sarah was even local anymore...

She bit her lip... but maybe her aunt would know the sort of person who could point her in the right direction... Maybe she'd know about the local brothels.

Rachel finally relented, sighing and lifting her phone.

She nearly put it back down as she listened to the sound of the shower running in the other room, but then she summoned courage and placed the call.

She sat stiff-backed, resolute in the small motel chair, staring at a blank wall as the phone rang.

Finally, a voice answered on the other end. "Hello?"

"Aunt Sarah?" Rachel's voice was hesitant, almost unsure.

There was a pause before the older woman spoke. "Rachel? Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me. I'm sorry to call so late, but I'm in your old stomping grounds and I was hoping you could help me out with something."

"What's going on, Rachel?" Sarah's voice was tight, guarded.

Rachel hesitated, unsure how to broach the subject.

The long pause stretched.

Sarah cleared her throat. "This... this isn't about..."

"What? No." Rachel wasn't even sure what the end of that sentence was going to be, and she didn't want to find out.

She didn't hesitate this time, not wanting to stall any longer. "Look, I know it's a bit strange, but you know people. You've always known people. Especially those that are behind the scenes."

"What does that mean?"

Instead of explaining, Rachel said, "I... I'm looking for information about a prostitute named Candace. I was wondering if you knew anything about her."

Another pause, longer this time. Rachel could hear the sound of her aunt's breathing on the other end of the line.

Finally, Sarah spoke. "Where are you, exactly?"




Sarah trailed off... Her voice gained an edge. "What have folk been telling you about me?"
