Page 37 of Not This Time

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"About you? Nothing. Just..." Rachel paused, but then decided she didn't want to dig. So instead, she said, "Just looking for some information on a case."

"Ah... Right. I don't know many folks from Longview. And not any by that name."

"Do you know how I might find her?"


No hesitation now. It was a matter of pride to her aunt that she could track any type of quarry, be it human or animal.

"Well?" Rachel prompted.

"There's a few brothels in the area, but they don't advertise themselves. You'd have to know someone to get in, or have a good cover story," Sarah replied.

"I see..."

"Can you tell me anything else?"

"Like what?"

"Was she one of ours?"

"Umm... No. White girl."

"Oh. That narrows it down then. Just one place."

"One place?"

"In Longview, yeah."

Rachel felt her heart skip. "Care to give a name?"

"Sure. It's called the Velvet Lounge. It's not far from where you are. But Rachel..." Her aunt hesitated, swallowing.


"Be careful. Those places are dangerous." Sarah's voice was stern, but Rachel could hear the concern there too.

Rachel thanked her aunt and ended the call.

As she did, she bit her lip, staring at the phone and wishing things weren't so abrupt between them.

She sighed, massaging the bridge of her nose and shaking her head. There were other things to worry about.

She wondered what Lily might do in situations like this. Her childhood best friend was a free spirit. She liked to play things her own way.

But while Rachel had always admired her old companion for the skill, she'd never shared it.

She sighed, turning her attention back to her laptop. The screen had gone dark, and she could see the reflection through the open doorway between the two motel rooms.

She stared vaguely at it. It was very late, now. And if she wanted to dig around without being seen, it was best to visit the brothel earlier, when it wouldn't be crowded.

Besides... she needed some sleep.

"Focus, Rachel," she admonished herself. She was distracted as the sound of the shower ceased, and a moment later, the bathroom door creaked open in the other room.

Her back was to him, but she spotted his movement in the reflection on her computer screen.

Ethan emerged, his hair damp and tousled, a towel wrapped around his waist.
