Page 10 of Big Merry Miner

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How could I walk away from this at the end of this trip? From her?

It’s too late, I realize with a pang as I look for something to help us clean up. It’s way too fucking late to back out now.

She’s got me wrapped around her finger, whether she realizes it or not.

Chapter 5


I’ve never shared a bed with anyone before. Not like this. After we cleaned up, Matt pulled me into bed and curled up behind me, his arms wrapped around my body like it’s the most natural thing he could do. It certainly feels that way. It was easy to fall asleep with him. His body is big and warm and his protective cuddling meant I got the best night of sleep I’ve gotten in weeks. Weeks!! I didn’t realize how much sleep I’d been losing between my end of the semester cram sessions and stressing out about this family holiday.

Even better, I got to wake up in his arms.

It’s dawn still when I open my eyes. I’m normally an early riser, but this is early even for me. It takes me a bit to coax myself out of Matt’s arms, but finally, I manage to slip out from under the covers and tiptoe to where my nightclothes got thrown at some point.

When I came to him last night, I’d never expected him to pull me into his arms like that. I just wanted to be around someone, and he was the natural choice because he listens to me and makes me feel better. It actually feels like he cares about me, even if this relationship we have is just for show.

Times like this make me wonder if our lie is getting too complicated. I can feel myself falling for him. If I’m being honest with myself, I’ve already fallen for him. It’s just concerning because I can’t tell how he feels about this, about me. Was last night just something to help this all feel more real for myself and my family? Or was it sincere? Did he mean it that he wanted the first time we have sex to be perfect?

More and more I find myself thinking about what it would be like to continue this fake relationship past this time with my family. I don’t think I want it to be fake. Last night is proof enough for me. No one’s ever made me feel like that before—comfortable and pretty and wanted all at the same time.

There’s a question burning in my mind, though: does Matt feel the same way?

A handsome man like him has to have women falling all over him left and right. Why would he spend his time with a girl like me? I’m just a college student majoring in business finance. I don’t have much of a social life, and I have a big, nosy family on top of that. Even if I love them most of the time, I can admit they’re a lot to handle. I get panic attacks just thinking about visiting them, you know? I’m nothing special, and yet I’ve managed to get this kind, burly stranger to fake date me. Would I be lucky enough for him to share these feelings I’m starting to have?

If he doesn’t, will I be able to go back to life as usual?

As I slip my nightgown back on, Matt stirs in his bed. He groans quietly before sitting up. When he sees me pulling my robe on, he smiles.

Yeah. I’m falling for this gentle giant of a man.

This wasn’t a part of our deal, but then again, him touching me and making me see stars wasn’t either. I can already feel myself getting excited for it to happen again. I’m beginning to crave his touch, his smile, justhim.

I fight an inward sigh.

I’m going to end up with a broken heart at the end of this if I don’t get my feelings under control.

“Did you sleep okay?” Matt asks as he runs a hand down his beard. The motion practically takes my breath away. His hands are so big, the tattoos that trace up his arms only making him seem even more rugged and handsome. I’d noticed last night that he has all sorts of little scars on his chest and arms, too. I want to know the stories behind each one. I know they’re probably from work—mining can be really dangerous and I’m sure he’s got some crazy stories—but that doesn’t matter. I want to know everything I can about him.

Wow, I’m so screwed. My feelings are too big too fast and I’m falling way too hard for this guy.

Before I get too lost in my thoughts again, I make myself answer him. “I haven’t slept that well in … I don’t actually know,” I tell him as I tie my robe closed.

“Honestly? Same for me,” he grins sleepily. His hair is sticking out in some places. It makes him look boyishly attractive and it takes everything I have not to crawl back into bed and ask him for kisses.

I swallow as I look at him, trying to decide what to say. Do we talk about last night? Do we talk about us? No, I can’t do that. There’s no way he’s feeling the same things I’m feeling. I’m me and he’s … well, he’s him. It’d be too good to be true.

“Regardless, I’m sure you want to get back to your room. Your parents seem to like me but they did put us in separate rooms for a reason,” he says as he throws the covers off himself.

I feel myself turn red instantly. Yeah, he’s given me the best orgasm I’ve ever had in my sad, inexperienced virgin life, but that doesn’t mean I’m used to seeing him naked. He’s solid muscle, not too defined but it’s clear that he takes care of his body. Not to mention the physical aspects of his job, which I’m sure help. His thighs are so thick that I’m not sure how he manages to find pants that don’t rip when they flex. I can’t make myself look any further up. I felt how big he was last night; I don’t want to get scared by seeing his manhood in the flesh.

“U-um, yeah. They’re c-concerned about appearances and s-such,” I stammer as I look away. “I better get going.”

Just as I turn around and get my hand on the doorknob, I feel a big hand wrap around my arm. When I look back, Matt’s standing there, his intense blue eyes burning as he looks down at me. His eyes search my face, lingering on my lips, before he leans down and tilts my chin up. He presses a kiss to my lips, nipping just a little at my bottom lip before pulling away.

“I’ll see you at breakfast, okay, sweetheart?”

I swallow and nod, feeling my cheeks burn with his attention. His little smirk as he lets me scramble out of his bedroom makes me feel like he’s teasing me in some way, but not meanly. Like he’s having fun, like he’s having fun and he likes having fun with me specifically. Like he wants me to have fun and feel good. I guess that’s good, because it means he likes me, right?
