Page 103 of The Pursuit

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It was Noah’s turn to grimace. “I danced with your dad.”

My brows popped. “Wait, what?”

“You heard what I said.”

“Yeah, but I think I need clarification.”

Noah exhaled a ragged breath. “Trust me. It wasn’t my finest moment by a long shot.”

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. “Would you please just tell me what happened?”

“The good news is your dad doesn’t hate my guts anymore.”

“Wow, I’m impressed. Was it your dancing skills that won him over?” I teasingly asked.

With a scowl, Noah replied, “No, the dancing came after I told him I wasn’t going to let him disrespect you by disrespecting me.”

“You actually said that?”

“I sure as hell did.”

“And Dad didn’t punch you?”

“No, we shook hands and everything.”

“That’s amazing.”

“I know, right?”

“And then after that, you and my dad danced?”

“He wanted to teach me the cumbia, so I could surprise you at your party.”

Oh God, the man had learned a dance for me. Not only had he flown thousands of miles to see me and incurred the wrath of my father, but he had learned the cumbia to surprise me. “Wow,” I murmured.

“Don’t tell your dad I told you.”

I smiled. “I’ll pretend to be surprised when you bust out your moves tomorrow.”

He snorted. “As long as you’re not horrified, we’ll be good.”

“I’m pretty sure it won’t matter since I’ll be hungover as hell.”

“Not if I have anything to do with it.”

While I stared curiously at him, he reached over to take a bottle off the nightstand. “Your dad ran out to get this for you.”

I wrinkled my nose at the sight of the red Pedialyte. “This brings back memories of freshman year.”

“I hope you’re talking about college, you big boozer,” Noah teased.

“Yeah, smart-ass, I was.”

Once I took a swig, Noah handed me two pills. At what must’ve been my expectant look, he said, “It’s ginger, which also helps ward off a hangover.”

“Good to know,” I replied before swallowing the pills. After consuming half of the Pedialyte, I eased back down in bed. With a yawn, I asked, “What time is it?”

“A little before two.”
