Page 104 of The Pursuit

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“You’ve almost been up twenty-four hours, haven’t you?”

Noah nodded. “But I dozed a little while you were out.”

“My knight in shining armor watching over me.”

“I felt an even bigger responsibility because I drove you to your drunken state.”

I laughed. “Don’t worry. I placed all the blame on myself for not being able to take what you could give me.”

Noah shook his head. “You aren’t the one at fault. I am.” He brushed the hair out of my face. “I plan on doing everything within my power to prove to you that you’re the most important thing in my life.”

I fought the urge to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating this in my drunken state. I’d asked him to come back to me if he ever changed his mind, and he had come all the way to Mexico to show me how much he cared.That was sacrificial love.Wasn’t it?

Noah wasn’t confessing his love for me, not in words anyway. But was that what I was supposed to glean from his actions? Noah’s smile then dimmed, and I realized that I hadn’t given him my own assurances.But I think it’s too early, literally and figuratively, to express that.

Smiling up at him, I replied, “You’re the most important thing in my life, too. You and only you.”

The next thing I knew Noah had his lips on mine. The kiss was sweet and reverent, which surprised me since we hadn’t been together in a month. When he pulled away, he grinned at what must’ve been my surprised expression.

“Like I’m going to deep-throat tongue you when your dad could bust in here at any moment.”

I snorted. “Good point.”

“Come on. Let’s get some sleep.”

While I burrowed deeper into the covers, Noah reached over and turned off the lamp. After he spooned behind me, he kissed my cheek. “Goodnight, Gaby.”

With my heart threatening to beat out of my chest, I whispered, “Goodnight, Noah.”

Chapter Nineteen: Noah

The cool sand slithered between my toes as Gaby and I made our way along the darkened beach. While the full moon sat high in the night’s sky, it lit our way along the shore. It was a little after three a.m. The party had gone until after two, and as the last guests were trickling home, Gaby and I snuck away for some time alone.

As I stared at Gaby in the moonlight, I didn’t think I’d ever seen her looking more beautiful. “Did you have a good birthday, baby?”

She gazed up me with such adoration that my heart shuddered and restarted. How could I have ever struggled with putting her above everything else in my life? She was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I’d never thought I’d ever experience anything remotely like what I felt for Gaby. While part of me worried it was too much, too soon, I tried to embrace the feelings coursing through me.

“It was the best birthday ever.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Nudging her shoulder with mine, I asked, “Did you like your presents?”

With a grin, she replied, “I suppose I shouldn’t have been too surprised by all the bra and panty sets you gave me.” Pursing her lips, she added, “Of course, I’m glad you managed to give me those in private, so my dad wouldn’t have had to threaten your dick again.”

“Hey now, I also got you two dresses,” I argued.

“Two incredibly short and revealing dresses,” she countered.

Sheepishly, I replied, “I’m a selfish bastard, getting you things that benefit me just as much as they do you.”

Gaby threw her arms around my neck. “There’s not a selfish bone in your body, Noah Fitzgerald.” When I opened my mouth to protest, she said, “Incredibly horny, yes, but selfish? No.”

I laughed. “You know me too well.”

“I loved everything you got me, but I loved being with you more.”

“It’s hard to know what to get the girl who has everything.” And that was the truth. At first, I’d really struggled about what to get her. She deserved only the very best, but my budget didn’t exactly allow for that.

To my surprise, Gaby grimaced. “Do you really think I’m that spoiled?”

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