Page 115 of The Pursuit

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“How slow?”

Bella rolled her eyes. “It felt like a fucking snail’s pace.”

I snorted. “After the way you guys looked that night, I can’t believe he didn’t bang you then.”

“It wasn’t like we didn’t doanythingthat night.”

“So you did get a little dirty?”

She gave me that dreamy smile again. “Yeah, we did.”

Secretly? I was thrilled. Bella deserved everything good and wonderful.

“I can’t believe you did something as monumental as screwing around with Jude and you didn’t tell me!”

Bella’s smile faded. “I would’ve been a selfish jerk to rub my new relationship in your face when you were in so much pain over Noah.”

“Oh Bella,” I murmured. She’d been going through the happiest time of her life, but she hadn’t told me because I broken-hearted. “You are seriously the best sister ever.”

“Ditto, Gabs.”

After I reached over and hugged her tight, I cocked my brows at her. “I need to know something.”


“How was it?”

“Oh God, Gaby, it’s…” She pinched her eyes shut before a pleased moan escaped her lips. “It’s everything I always dreamed and fantasized it would be.”

Happy tears filled my eyes. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Don’t tell me you’re getting teary-eyed over me having good sex with Jude?”

I laughed. “While I’m super stoked about the sex, it’s more about seeing you get something you’ve wanted for so long.”

“Thank you. And I really mean that. I don’t think without Noah’s and your push, it would have ever happened.”

“I’m so glad we could inspire you two to bang.”

Bella laughed. “That’s not what I’m talking about.”

“I know.” After hugging her tight, I said, “After all this time, I’m so glad you have a stress-free relationship. Enjoy it for the both of us.”

Bella’s brows furrowed. “I’m sure it’s just the stress of the competition. He’s giving everything he has to swimming.”

“Trust me, Iknowit’s just about swimming. That knowledge is the only thing keeping me from totally going off on him in a text or phone call. I’m trying to be understanding.”

I hated not being able to react. I’d never been someone to suffer in silence or the woman who took whatever crumbs a man gave her. It was only my love for Noah that reigned in my usual take-no-shit attitude.

Shaking my head, I exhaled a ragged breath. “But Noah needs to tell me that. Obviously, I would ease up a little bit on the promise he made about always making time for me. But he’s freezing me out. He has one- or two-word answers to texts. We haven’t talked on the phone in two days.”

“Gaby, you need to make him talk to you.”

“I will. After the competition.” I swallowed hard. “I’ve been getting that bad feeling.”

I didn’t have to elaborate for Bella. She knew all too well what I was talking about. “Don’t think about that. Noah loves you, Gaby,” she argued.

“I know he does…but even the deepest loves can be broken by outside forces. For Noah and me, it’s his swimming.”
