Page 39 of The Pursuit

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“Okay, we desperately need a subject change.”

“Fine. What else do you want to ask me?”

“What made you want to open a music school?”

Gaby’s brows popped in surprise. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. I mean, it’s not something you often hear someone wanting to do.”

“Well, growing up, my dad’s bandmates’ kids were like extra siblings to us. One of my sisters, so to speak, was on the Autism spectrum. Being close with Lucy, I saw how people react to the world differently.”

“That’s true. I have two cousins on the spectrum.”

“Since my entire life has been centered around music, I saw how much that helped Lucy and others. I realized then I could help young kids navigate their different world easier through music.”

My jaw dropped. “Damn, babe, that’s deep. But more than anything, you’re deep.”

“I don’t know about that.”

“No, it really is.” And I meant what I said. I’d never really met a woman like Gaby. Someone who came from immense wealth and privilege, yet she wanted to do something so honorable with her life and on her own terms. It was incredibly sexy and endearing. And even though I shouldn’t have, I caught myself feeling more for her because of that.

After swiping her mouth with her napkin, Gaby said, “If anyone deserves praise, it’s Lucy. She’s the one who has to manage a world that isn’t always kind to people who live it differently.”

My chest ached at her words. “Jesus, why does it have to be so fucking hard for them?”

Gaby’s surprised gaze bore into mine. “Your cousins?”

I nodded. “Grayer, was a few years older than me, but we ended up at the same high school. He got bullied so much for nothing. Well, he did until I got there.”

“What did you do?”

“Beat the hell out of two of the guys giving him shit. I almost got expelled.”

“You did?”

“Yeah. I remember being so afraid my parents were going to lose their shit. The minute they let them in the principal’s office, my mom was grabbing me up in her arms while my dad was patting my back and saying he was proud of me.”

Gaby smiled. “I don’t blame them. You stood up for what was right.”

“Yeah, my swim coach really didn’t see it that way, especially since he had to bench me for two weeks.”

“But look how far you have come. I mean, you’re a gold medal winner with a heart of gold.”

I laughed at her summation. “I don’t know about that.”

“I do. Most of all, I’m glad I’ve gotten to know you better.”

“So you could stop hating me?”

She snorted. “Yeah, I’m glad for that too.”

“I’m glad I got to know you, too, Gaby. Really glad.” I then leaned over and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. Gaby’s eyes widened at my actions. With the intense conversation weighing heavily around us, I knew it was once again time for a subject change. “Want to see if there’s anything good on TV?”

“Uh…I guess so.”

Shooting her a cocky smirk, I replied, “I thought you might need a little rest from my insatiable dick.”

A laugh burst from her lips. “Whatever, Noah,” she muttered. While she worked at straightening the sheets, I cleaned up our trash and then pushed the cart out into the hallway. When I returned, Gaby looked like a goddess all laid back against the pillows. The sight literally stopped me in my tracks.
