Page 40 of The Pursuit

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She’s so gorgeous. So … real.

What if I couldn’t let her go? It felt like we’d barely scratched the surface in getting to know each other, but already I felt more connected with Gaby than I had with anyone else in a long time.This can’t be all we get.In the short thirty-six hours together, she had completely gotten under my skin. Meaningless flings, sex with strangers, being recognized for what I did and not for who I was … it was no longer appealing. I wasn’t ready to “move on” as I heard so often from others. It had been a hell of a long time since a woman had evoked that kind of response.

And I didn’t know what the hell to do with that.

Chapter Eight: Gaby

As I started coming back into consciousness, I realized something warm and heavy was draped over me. Startled, I snapped my eyes open. Glancing down, a man’s blond head came into view. It was then I registered the feel of his breath fanning across the skin above my breasts.

But just before panic overtook me at waking up with a strange man, I remembered he wasn’t a stranger. The sandy-blond hair belonged to Noah.

Oh my God. I had slept with Noah. Okay, I had literally slept with Noah and screwed him too many times to keep up. I mean, did orgasms count or just full penetration?

With my bladder screaming for relief, I brought my hands to Noah’s shoulders and gently eased him off my chest. With a sleepy grunt, he grabbed a pillow before burying his face in it. Desperate not to wake him, I edged across the bed before dipping off the side. Thankfully, Noah still snoozed peacefully.

After a quick dip into the bathroom, I peed before turning my attention to the mirror. “Jesus,” I muttered at the sight of my thoroughly fucked hair that was sticking out everywhere. Running my fingers under the faucet, I tried patting the pieces down. Eventually, I gave up and realized I needed the brush in my purse.

As I tiptoed back into the bedroom, I picked up the random pieces of my attire. While I slid on my panties, there was no way in hell I was wrestling myself back in the bustier. After I stepped back into my dress, I grunted and hissed as I fought with the zipper.

Once I was dressed, I searched the room for my purse. After I found it, I dug my phone out. I grimaced at the sight of ten missed texts. Bella had texted the most and informed me she had told Mom and Dad I had made it safe to our room and passed out. Man, I owed her one for that. I just hoped they bought the lie.

I shoved my phone back in the purse and took out my brush. “Morning, beautiful,” Noah said across from me.

His words caused me to jump. “You scared me. I thought you were still asleep.”

“I was, but I missed you in bed,” he replied with a crooked smile. As his eyes focused on my dress, he furrowed his brows. “You’re leaving?”

I nodded as I started running a brush through my bed hair. “If it gets any later, it’s just going to add to the embarrassment of my walk of shame.”

Noah chuckled. “True.” He scooted to the edge of the bed before reaching out to take my free hand. “Seriously, you don’t have to go. We could order in more room service, and you could call your sister or someone to bring you some clothes.”

I froze midway through brushing my hair. Was this really happening? Noah actually wanted me to stay? Mr. Manwhore with No Soul was trying to spend more time with me? Surely, I was hallucinating. I mean, he hadn’t kicked me to the curb last night after we’d finished screwing, but maybe that was because he’d wanted more sex from me.

Trying to put on a poker face, I pulled my hand away and turned toward the mirror. “While that sounds tempting, I better go ahead and rip off the Band Aid.”

“What if I wasn’t ready for you to go?”

I whirled around from the mirror to stare wide-eyed at Noah. My shock increased at the sight of his vulnerable expression. He really wanted to spend more time with me.

At the same time, I had to forget about him for a moment and ask myself ifIwas ready to leave. Besides the sex, I had a good time with him. I felt like I could be myself with him, which usually took weeks or months to achieve with a guy.

Shit. This wasn’t supposed to be about anything deeper. It was just sex. Trying to lighten the heavy mood surrounding us, I quipped, “You or your dick?”

He grinned. “While I wouldn’t say no to a screw for the road, I meant me.”

“You?” I repeated lamely.

He once again reached out to grab my hands. As he ran his fingers over my skin, he said softly, “I want you to stay.”

My heartbeat broke into a wild gallop at his admission. I fought the urge to pinch myself. Noah wanted to spend more time with me, and it wasn’t just about sex. I had to pause to reflect on the momentousness of the situation. Like this had to be huge not just for me, but it had to be for him.

But just as my internal victory dance was winding down, Emily’s face flashed before my eyes. I saw him taking her number. One night hadn’t changed Noah from what he was: a womanizer. While he might want to spend time with me today, who was to say that wouldn’t change tomorrow or next week or next month? I wasn’t emotionally strong enough to date someone like him.

At my silence, Noah eyed me curiously. “Is there something wrong with that?”


“Then what’s the problem.”
